Baby food as primary source?


New Member
So some of you have probably already heard that I have a 6 month old veiled chameleon who is very picky about eating crickets and food in general. Today he did eat a lot of butter worms but I know that he needs more than just that so I was thinking, that why not make him some homemade baby food? I figure this, crickets Ive heard are poor in nutrition by themselves so therefore it is important to gut load and powder before feeding. Well what if I were to just to cut out the middle man? He'd get much more nutrition from just lapping up the veggie smoothies. Id still feed him his worms and I'll keep going back to crickets to see if he'll eventually take them. I think this is important because he needs to keep his tongue strength up. Well anyways, thoughts? Opinions? Anyone have any luck with this and what foods would work best?
I've heard of feeding veggies and fruits but never baby food. I'd just stick with feeding insects since that's what they usually eat and maybe feed your crickets the baby food and other veggies and fruits as a gutload? Also if you want a more nutritious food item for you cham get some dubia or silkies :)
I do have some silkies. He's just soo picky and wont eat majority of the crickets. They all keep dyeing because he wont eat them. I was just thinking fruits and veggies, but ground up like baby food. I have heard others actually buying the stuff but Id rather just make it myself. Should of said veggie/fruit smoothie instead.
eh I've tried to feed mine a carrot once and they didn't even look at it lol. I'd just stick with insects since they are mainly insectivores.
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