Baby Chameleon Cage Size...


New Member
Hey Everyone! I'm going to be getting my cham soon but I am still full of questions. So I figured it's about time to challenge some ground rules to improve my understanding ;). Why do baby chams need smaller cages? I have read that it helps them find their food and makes them more secure, but then how would any of them make it in the much larger than 24x24x48 wild :p? I will get a smaller cage if that is the consensus (as it seems to be) but it just seems to be a curious question that I haven't seen addressed from this standpoint. I am already putting putting a lot of money into this (at least for me :eek::rolleyes::eek:) and would love to just get one cage if possible, but first I want the best for my cham, so I will get two cages if you guys say so. Thanks for continuing to answer my flood of questions :rolleyes:. I can't wait for my Veiled :D. Oh, also what are recommended cage sizes for a 2-3 month old male Veiled? If I got two cages, how old would he have to be to move him into a full-sized cage? Thanks again.
If you only want to get one cage than get a Veiled of good size that is 4-5 months old. Mine was 4.5 months old when he went into his 24X24X48. Young and small babies do have a harder times finding food in the bigger cages.
I would use a 16x16x30 for a that age, then at about 6 months old you can move him/her to the 24x24x48. It is never a bad idea to have a smaller cage, in case you need to travel. The main reasoning is your chameleon can find food in a smaller cage, if they were in a larger cage you would have to add a lot of feeders to make the food dense enough for the chameleon to find and then you have a lot left over in the cage which lose their nutrients and can crawl through feces.

I would use a 16x16x30 for a that age, then at about 6 months old you can move him/her to the 24x24x48. It is never a bad idea to have a smaller cage, in case you need to travel. The main reasoning is your chameleon can find food in a smaller cage, if they were in a larger cage you would have to add a lot of feeders to make the food dense enough for the chameleon to find and then you have a lot left over in the cage which lose their nutrients and can crawl through feces.


I do agree here-I use 16X16X30's for most everything young,but my Veiled was and is of monster size! :)
The best reason I can tell you for keeping a baby veiled in a smaller enclosure is that it allows you to monitor everything closely.
This is very important with a captive baby chameleon.
You need to know how much it is eating/ drinking/ pooping etc.
Don't make the comparison to the "wild" because your chameleon won't be in the wild.
Incidentally, in a natural environment baby veileds stay low in the grasses where they are more hidden and can easily find food. A small baby cage creates a similar safe environment.


I will definitely get a smaller cage. Thanks for the info. I may pick up the cage today then. I'll see what sizes are available locally (probably not many :rolleyes:) but I'm going for 16x16x30. Thanks for your advise and that is interesting about the babies staying in the grasses, that helps me understand.
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