Baby Carpets!!!!!

Went to get zip ties out of the cham room... they were by the incubator so I thought 'eh, take a look at the eggs....' I see one looks like it sank it... i pop the lid off to get a better look... and there is a big hole in the egg... ONE hatched?! There was the little guy, huddled along the side of the cup. I gave it a little nudge and the little eyes opened up and he started to crawl around :D

BTW, Steve Sims is THE man! He called me back at 1am (found the eggs at midnight) to answer my text asking him to call me when he gets the text... I assumed he wouldn't wake up, and would just call in the AM (I know he gets up early). Thanks Steve for the help!

Photobucket isn't working... so i loaded a pic onto FB and snagged the link...

WOW!!!! Is there anything cuter than baby chameleons??? Honestly?!?!?!? If so I can't imagine what!!!

Awesome shot - CONGRATS!

So did just one hatch so far? How many more eggs are there?
Gorgeous im so jealous this is what i want but im in the uk & i cant find anyone breeding them.They are soooo cute i hope you get many more x
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