B. transvaalense


Avid Member
Hey Everyone,

Well, as is the case with most new species in the hobby, even the best of us experience issues. Last year we had a few road blocks working with B. transvaalense. They've become one of my all time favorite species to work with and when I found out they were coming around again, I couldn't wait to revive the project.

I'd like to take a moment to give kudos to Andy at AA Reptiles (ERJ). Last August we lost one of our first females within 24 hours of purchase and Andy had promised a replacement (or full credit) on the next shipment. Knowing full well it would be close to 6 months before they made it here again, I didn't expect much but I have to admit, and commend Andy, that they really took care of me this time. He replaced the lost female and set over a sub-adult pair along with her. He never once questioned my word (nor I his) and kept in contact with me throughout the past 6 months.

Thank you again Andy, you've made us happy customers. :)

Anyway, as is customary with any new acquisition, photos are taken but I don't focus on composition etc. Simply to document their condition upon arrival for documentation purposes.


Again, thanks to Andy for making good on his promise.


All i can say is gorgeous! Is that a sub adult? I have never seen those before you must be psyched to work with those guys. Do they have similar requirements to a pygmy cham? Or are they kept singularly until breeding?
Luis he is beautiful, how lucky you are. Who is Andy? Sounds like he has a great shop maybe I should know him also??? What other new chameleons do you have that we haven't seen any of your wonderful pictures of?
Absolutely beautiful. Good luck with your project. The way you were treated throughout that transaction would make for a nice BOI good guy thread.
I saw these on kingsnake earlier. If only I had room >.<

Good luck with them :)
Thanks everyone!


Andy is an importer so he doesn't have a shop really. I don't know much else about them but he held up on his end of the bargain so... :)

My guess is he is just coming into adulthood. He maintained juvenile coloration until he caught sight of the female. The previous adults we had maintained faded adult coloration throughout the day which only intensified at the sight of other males or when courting.

While younger males tend to look like this...

This is the same male a couple of months later...

Next is an image of an adult with normal day to day coloration...


Thanks again!

Thanks! I've been waiting months for this and of course it's right in the middle of our expansion, so it's a little hectic.

Here's one of female...


Usually i don't like very much Bradypodions but this time i have to say that your brady are really super!! congrats for these colorfull speciements!!
They look great, Luis! Andy also contacted me and I will be receiving my pair in the morning (I did not get them last time around). Hopefully they arrive well.
They look good, Luis. I added to my group of this species as well with this new shipment. I've been so busy lately that I've been slacking on photos of anything. Hopefully I'll find time to pull the camera out in a week or two.

I encourage anyone who picks any of these up to get in touch with me. I'd like to exchange observations with people and help keep track of who has them for bloodline exchanging purposes when the time comes.

Luis, these guys look AWESOME. You are so lucky to be working with them :D I love the third picture you posted with all of that orange!
Hey Dan,

Glad to hear you ended up with a pair! PM your contact info so we can stay in touch and exchange notes. We had a mailing list (albeit a bit small) so perhaps Chris can send you the info.

Glad to hear you added a few to your group! The more this close to me the merrier. ;)

Liz, The males are stunning when they're fired up. I'm already noticing very different patterns on this group compared to the last ones. This is one reason why I love taking photographs. They do come in handy when researching past notes for information. The oranges against the black and even white sometimes is just stunning...

Here's a few more of our previous males...



Luis you are just teasing me!! Why do I not have a pair on the way??? Doesn't anyone need to sell a pair? They are too beautiful for words. Looking at yours I just want to drive to Florida and snatch yours & Chris's and head home.;)
Luis you are just teasing me!! Why do I not have a pair on the way??? Doesn't anyone need to sell a pair? They are too beautiful for words. Looking at yours I just want to drive to Florida and snatch yours & Chris's and head home.;)

Laurie, I totaly hear you on this.
they look so nice. (and it's also so nice to see something like them - something I don't normaly see even on this forum).

that's it Laurie, I think we just clearly don't have enough animals, so I might have to add them on my short list too...unless they are way too pricey. :p

again, thanks for the wonderful photos.

They're really beautiful - your new ones and the ones you have older photos of. I really like the texture on the Bradypodions; really complements the already stunning color.
This is absolutely awesome. Thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures.
By the way, are you talking about Andy at ERanimal(Eco Regional)? I just ordered my spectral pygmy today. I'm so excited now..
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