Asking for a friend: male not breeding


I have a friend whod rather not go through the whole process of becoming a forum member ask me to pose this question.

She has a pair of panthers she would like to breed. Recent vet and parasite checks have clean bill of health. She has great conditions (ive checked and she has great gutload with appropriate veggies for her varied feeders, appropriate humidity and temps, arcadia uvb lighting, etc etc). She has tried him in her cage, her in his cage, both in a neutral outdoor cage, and he shows no sign of being interested. Not one head bob! She has even climbed over to him and he walked away. From what my friend says and what ive seen the female has been receptive on all attempts to put them but the first one. Could that initial interaction put him off for good? She has made these attempts about once a week to every two weeks

So i guess the question is, what more can she try? Wait it out? Is there a chameleon "aphrodisiac " for lack of a better term? This might be unorthodox but what about rubbing near his vent and hemipenal buldge before the introduction to get his juices flowing?
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