Anyone use electronic cigarettes?


New Member
Been thinking of buying some and looking at blu, v2 and 7's

Just curious if anyone else is using a Brand that is good?

I bought the e-go a while back but it is just too heavy and I never use it because of that.
my partner used them for a while when he was quitting, I don't know about other countries, but in Canada, there only water vapor, no actual nicotine. they come in flavours, and I even enjoyed smoking them, it was kinda fun.
you do inhale vapor so it's really just like smoking, just smoother, and safer heh.
But, they are super freaking expensive, $10 for one smoke, and it doesn't last that long.
I'd say pair it with gum or something else, and just use it when you need to keep your idle hands busy.
My mom prefers the V4L (vapor for life) brand over blu. The blu didn't hold a charge for very long and died very quickly. Her V4L ones have lasted over a year and just feel like a higher quality battery when you hold it. The blu charger pack also only lasted about 3 months before it stopped working. They have a 1 year warranty, but I feel like they shouldn't have stopped working after a few months anyways. The V4L starter kit is less hassle and a better buy in her and my opinion.

EDIT: her V2 was also great, but I was the one buying the E-cigs for her, and V4L was cheaper at the time, got similar reviews online, and are the same model. She used to smoke marlboros and really, really like the red juice from V2 so she just bought the juice from there.
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I've tried the Njoy line found at Valero Cornerstores. Not great, not terrible. I have nothing else to compare it to... :rolleyes:
Wow, thanks for the input. I have been researching them for a while. I also meant to mention eversmoke. I have read great reviews and also visited their Facebook page.

Mmmnothing, decisions, decisions. I think I may try to sale my e-go for those that want a bigger battery but it just was not for me.
I bought the blu starter kits today for $47.99 each at Fred's foods. Cheapest price around. Anyway, I wanted to get a different one but the fact I can pick up cartridges locally kind of sold me on the blu. I could nto find any local olaces that sold some of the other brands i was looking into and most of them are internet exclusive. Gonna see how I do with them and if things go well I can upgrade later.

First impressions are pretty good. I have the ego as well but have not used it in a while because it has a bigger battery and just seems awkward. it is also suppose to be superior to the blu e cigs, but I have to be honest as far as comparison, so far I am liking the blu and for the price you can't beat it to start with.

I have to do something right or wrong, and this is a start.
Marlboro 100's since they were in the gold packs:eek: Ive been thinking about trying the electronics also.

Those are some wussy ciggs bro ;)

Reds or Newports :cool:

For those who smoked, prior to trying e ciggs... Are they as strong as a full flavor in any sense? I cant even smoke a "light" cigarette without complaining :rolleyes:
You can choose the amount of nicotine in the cartridges or the drip juices. I have some drip juice that is pretty strong, then again I smoke lights and ultra lights....:rolleyes: But I feel the burn in my throat on some more than others, some were quite unpleasant actually. I am a wimpy smoker although heavy in the numbers if that makes sense. I have really no choice but to quit though so I am taking the e cig route one more time as a stepping stone. I work from home for the most part and have been for the last 3 years and ever sense then my amount I smoke has increased. Fingers crossed I can totally kick the habit this time.
the blu brand is good. the electronic kind is alot better on your lungs and is so much less invasive for other people :) recently got a disposible blu and it was good, not too heavy but did the job!
the blu brand is good. the electronic kind is alot better on your lungs and is so much less invasive for other people :) recently got a disposible blu and it was good, not too heavy but did the job!

My bf's old boss/family friend uses this one now. It is nice for us lol not that he was a rude smoker but still and its way better for his lungs than his cigs were :D
Yeah I am pretty impressed for a local store e cig. I am going to get one of the "my7's" probably as well and compare the two.

The one thing I noticed right off with the blu is that the battery wears down quick. But it comes with two.
The one thing I noticed right off with the blu is that the battery wears down quick. But it comes with two.

That was one of the complaints my mom had. I think it's because the blu batteries are designed to look more like a cigarette, so they aren't as long/thick as some of the others ones (and therefore don't last as long.) Although, she had a v4l one of a similar length that still lasted longer than the blu did. Maybe it's because the v4l (krd808) is a different model than the blu?
I just realized the blu cartos will fit my ego so that is good to know. I also refill the blu cartos which make it nice and less expensive! I was thinking of just getting another battery from blu since they are only $12.00 but for now the two are doing fin with me. I like the case charger.
Have you tried with the ego-c ? I like it best,seems to be cheep,easy to use,dependable and even has a USB battery. I have been using mine for over a year now. I only buy the liquid from tastyvapor as they have less additives and will mix anything you want. I like atomic Cinicide best.
can i take it from this thread your e cigs are flavoured and have nicotine.over here there just water vapour with no chemicals but are still kinda specialist you cant get refills everywhere.ive tried them i couldnt see them as an alternative more a stepping stone to giving up.
I really hate to use this old adage but if I can quit smoking anybody can. I liked smoking! I’ve been smoke free for almost 7 years and I don’t miss it in the least. Educate yourself on the actual physical process beforehand so you understand what will happen and how to deal with it. I think the actual physical craving to the nicotine only lasts a few seconds so it’s more breaking the patterns and getting through habits associated with smoking. No, beer doesn’t taste better with a smoke. Beer tastes horrible to begin with!

The only recommendation I can give is to be motivated to do it permanently. You have to commit to it 100% and cutting down and substitute cigs won’t do it.

I try not to be one of those anti-smoking ex smokers but you will feel so much better once you do.
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