Am I an A-HOLE?


New Member
Ok, I have been waiting for my local dealer to get me my male panther. I got a female by mistake and told him Sunday he could keep my $300 and just order a male. Its been a week and no word.

Would I be a jerk if I just asked for my money back to buy my own? I just asked for any male panther not too old but not too young to be sexed.
Give him some time he's probably busy with holiday and family stuff..wait a few more days if nothing then call him and ask him when's the earliest he could get you one
I love your title - and I guess most of us meet that description sometime.:rolleyes: But I think you have every right to try to make the person see that he has your money and just isn't meeting your needs and you want your money. Your best way to approach him is to say something like " i am sorry our deal didn't work out this time, but I expect will will go smoother next time, but for now I have something else lined up so I need my money" you may never deal with him again but you have left the door open and tried not to show hard feelings. Good luck.
Yea, I do buisness with him a lot. But, when I give somebody 300 bucks I expect to get what I payed for or at least get an update. I see chams on this forum all day long for sale.

The kicker for me...

He's posting new reptiles all week in his website.

I just wonder if I would come off as a butthole is all. I try to be nice and not cause disputes but I am getting edgy...
I love your title - and I guess most of us meet that description sometime.:rolleyes: But I think you have every right to try to make the person see that he has your money and just isn't meeting your needs and you want your money. Your best way to approach him is to say something like " i am sorry our deal didn't work out this time, but I expect will will go smoother next time, but for now I have something else lined up so I need my money" you may never deal with him again but you have left the door open and tried not to show hard feelings. Good luck.

wouldn't it be nice it if worked like that. :D I couldn't even get a site sponsor to refund a wrongfully sexed panther that they acknowledged. Hoepfully he/she is a good guy and works something out soon for you. Usually they'll refund the difference from the male female pricing that I guess is what is considered fair and reasonable to ask for. Full refund is going to be tough usually.

If you do business often work that to your advantage they will usually hook you up nicely on your next round event though its not the point.
Oh, its been done. I specially ordered a "MALE" payed for a "MALE" and got a female :(. He said HE WILL TRY TO FIND ONE.
Hmm, I hope there was paperwork involved in this deal. How can he tell you he will "try"?? Either you do or you don't, simple as that. And if its a don't, you obviously didn't get what you paid for so he should not be offended in your request for a refund. If not, that is just bad business and $300 isn't something to mess around with. Good luck!
Tell him while he "try's" you will return the female & he can return your $300 and you will also "try". Maybe that will jump start him
I agree with the others here.....although its fair to wait a week or so if you know whats going on, I would think it already over the line for him to have $300 of your money on the basis of getting you a male cham and you have no clue whats going on....all the while he is listing new animals (which likely shows that he is not focusing on your animal since your sale is already "made").

On the other hand, maybe just find a chameleon you like online and point him to it. Tell him "I found one first". I don't think there is anything wrong with that.

Personally, I would have requested my money back UNTIL he found a male and then made a whole "new" purchase.
If you have no plans to keep the female then call him today and make plans to return her. The longer shes in your care the longer YOU are responsible for her and anything that could potentially go wrong with her. I would take her back get my $$ back and if you really think he's looking for you. You could say I will leave you a deposit of $30.00 for example to show my desire to complete the original deal. That way you have the bulk of your $$ and your not responsible for an animal that you dont want. Jmpo....

Oh and if hes really looking he should find a replacement within a day or two. Theres no shortage of panthers avail for sale in the US. Esp since you didnt request a specific locale or anything rare.....
If he told you his looking that is one thing. As far as I know if there was not a clearly written guarantee on the sex then he is in no obligation for a full refund. The reason I say this, is LLL reptile has done the same with me in the Past. All they say is they don't guarantee sex. Even though I bought a male I paid more for a male they wrote male in the deli cup. I got a female. When I came here. Everyone said the only thing they can do is refund the difference in pricing. So if there was no guarantee then basically you out of luck unless he is a decent guy and realized he's in the wrong which I hope happens for you. You had this female for some time weather you wanted her or not so basically I don't see anyone taking the animal back to his facility. Thats at least how it worked for me. I still have the girl its been a year and she is great but not what I wanted or paid for. In hand I had to go spend another $300 to actually get what I wanted and then had to care for 2 now because of their screw up. Our situations are different but that is how a sponsor handled this kind of thing.
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