all mesh V wooden with screened top???


New Member
hi, i have a question, i have to keep a cham quadricorn at the best conditions poss ,her comes from the cool mountain reigions of cammeroon where the rainforests experiance lots of rain and cool temperatures and plenty of humidity.... which would you use going on his needs .

A... a big ,tall wooden sided and backed viv with glass sliding doors at the front and a compleat meshed roof with mesh vents in the sides of the viv and is live planted and has a humidifier plummed into it (this would hold humidity but wouldnt have quite as much ventilatin as the latter
or should i go for
B.... a compleat mesh viv with a live potted ficus tree (this wont hold humidity very well but would keep it cool and good ventilation)

he loves high humidity and needs it to be at around (70-80%) or more!! and likes cool temps (70-75 F day /60 F night) he will only grow to about 12 inches long so is quite small speceis.
let me know what you think guys??
never kept the species, so dont count what i say. i think A would work better since there is some good ventilation.
It will probably be easier to maintain the humidty level with the first choice. Most of the keepers here will say the screened type but I think it really depends on your local and the needs of your chams. Many of the UK keepers use viv's like you described first and are very sucessful.

But based on the specs you described for your cham I would say the first.


If you use wood peg-board (painted or otherwise sealed) for one or both sides you will have the ventilation / air circulation, yet with much more humidity retained than with screen.
This is how I build my cages, though I am housing panthers. Keeping humidity up in the Winter was quite difficult when I used all screen cages, but now no trouble at all.
thanks guys, i will go for the first one then, i did think this but thought i would get some feed back to back my views up.i have now decided to convert my old wardrobe into a massive viv with wooden sides and back and base all waterproofed and with whole mesh vents and top ,all live planted and humidified so they will have a lovely big territory to live in, it will be about 6 feet high and 4 feet wide and 3 feet deep, so cant wait to get them into this as it will be live planted and all !! how happy will they be to have a big viv to explore!!.
whats the name of that sealer that everyone uses to waterproof there custom made wooden vivs
poly..... what??
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