

New Member
Ok well my 9 month old chameleon has a bit of a problem.
My dad was here and noticed some type of wound on the side of Crayola's mouth. He thinks its a abess probably from eating crickets. I have currently stopped feeding him the crickets till it goes away.

Also when i mist his cage and him i notice he starts to rotate his eyes and he gets big purple bubbles next to them.

The help is greatly appreciated as i hope Crayola gets rid of these things.




Not too easy to view, but it does look dehydrated and his mouth looks swollen. Best suggestion is to take it to a vet. Good luck.
There taking with my phone and thats the best i can do. He has no other issues he eats and drinks but i dont know what it is!
You need to take him to a vet. Maybe someone can borrow the money to you or work out a payment plan with a vet. You chameleon's eyes look very sunken in the first two pictures and then very bulgy in the next two. Also, if the mouth is the beginning of an infection like mouth rot it is only going to get worse when untreated.
he needs a vet.
The eye thing is probably just him cleaning his eyes when you mist, THey will bulge them and suck them in when cleaning.

As for the mouth, Its more than likely the beginning of mouth rot, and that wont go away on its own.
I am not speaking off of first hand experience, but they are right. I have done a lot of research on Chameleons and what I see is definitively vet worthy.
and honestly i cant afford to go to the vet!

Well, you really don't have a choice here. Mouth rot (stomatitis) is not something you can leave untreated. It is also very painful for your cham and it will eventually stop eating and drinking. You are going to need prescription antibiotics and the abscess may need to be opened up and cleaned out.

If you can't work out some sort of payment plan with your vet or borrow the money the kindest thing would be to give your cham to someone who can care for it properly.
I am treating the mouth abcess??? I was told to put iodine on it and then neosporin.. its being treated. as for his eyes this morning he has shedd around and on them.
I am treating the mouth abcess??? I was told to put iodine on it and then neosporin.. its being treated. as for his eyes this morning he has shedd around and on them.

Mouth rot has to be treated with antibiotics. iodine and neosporin will not treat it properly.
Who told you to use iodine and neosporin? From everything I've read here, mouth rot requires a vet to clear out the area and then a systemic (not topical) antibiotic to get rid of the infection.
Who told you to use iodine and neosporin? From everything I've read here, mouth rot requires a vet to clear out the area and then a systemic (not topical) antibiotic to get rid of the infection.

From what I've read about iodine, it works better keeping a wound clean and preventing an infection, but isn't as effective treating one that already exists. A Povidone-Iodine scrub can help keep the wound clean once it has been treated by a vet. Neosporin or Polysporin (I've read that Polysporin is a bit better for herps) won't reach the infected area below the surface of the abscess very well either. By the time this sort of infection gets to this stage you will need different systemic medications to treat it.
Crayola has been very small for his age for all of his life. He has always had eating issues (not much appetite and VERY PICKY eater). And has only shed once or twice in his life that I know of.

I was told that the hole on his lip was probably just a cricket bite with no other signs of infection (swelling, pus, etc.) and I told Courtney to keep the bite clean with just a dab of iodine and treated with neosporin to keep crud from getting into the bite. The bite has improved? as far as I was told.

The eye thing is a new development that I did not know about until now.
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Thank you Jackie. This is who i heard it from this is my dads gf. So i listen to what i hear from them. It has improved hes had it almost a month and it started at a purple/black color and has gotten to a light red/pink. So to me it seems like its healing. His eyes are also better he is shedding again this is his 5th time.. He has always grown very slowly as she said he has had some eating issues that have been resolved. Cray has no other issues as im aware. I understand he is little its just going to take some time. Im learning.

Crayola has been very small for his age for all of his life. He has always had eating issues (not much appetite and VERY PICKY eater). And has only shed once or twice in his life that I know of.

I was told that the hole on his lip was probably just a cricket bite with no other signs of infection (swelling, pus, etc.) and I told Courtney to keep the bite clean with just a dab of iodine and treated with neosporin to keep crud from getting into the bite. The bite has improved? as far as I was told.

The eye thing is a new development that I did not know about until now.
Crayola has been very small for his age for all of his life. He has always had eating issues (not much appetite and VERY PICKY eater). And has only shed once or twice in his life that I know of.

I was told that the hole on his lip was probably just a cricket bite with no other signs of infection (swelling, pus, etc.) and I told Courtney to keep the bite clean with just a dab of iodine and treated with neosporin to keep crud from getting into the bite. The bite has improved? as far as I was told.

The eye thing is a new development that I did not know about until now.

Well, I guess we were all confused by the original question and bad pics. It sounded like this "abscess" was getting worse!
I am treating the mouth abcess??? I was told to put iodine on it and then neosporin.. its being treated. as for his eyes this morning he has shedd around and on them.

...Well the shedding on eyes is normal. But treating the abscess yourself is not the smartest thing. Take him to a vet, there's no shortcut to this.
The eyes puffing out. Is this only happening after a misting? I didnt see a pic of the right eye to tell. Im only seeing pics of the left eye swollen.

I am aware that some chameleons possess a temporal gland in the corner of the mouth. Im not sure about veileds though. This could be the source of the infection..When taking the animal to the vet i would mention this to him or her. temporal gland&f=false

It could lead to mouth rot but my guess would be that this is not mouth rot.
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