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  1. azrael

    Life after tail amputation

    I have a female chameleon who is currently scheduled for a tail amputation surgery tomorrow. She is a 2.5 year old ambilobe who laid 2 successful clutches of unfertilized eggs. She recently developed some abnormal behavior and after taking her to her vet it was discovered that she retained eggs...
  2. azrael

    Source for silkworms?

    All of my usual sources for silkworms, including mulberry farms are sold out. Does anyone know where I can buy live silkworms that currently has them available? I've also checked the classified section here.
  3. azrael

    She's digging, leave the lights on?

    My female has finally started digging in her bin. We have her covered with a sheet and haven't been in the room all day but my husband peaked in (she didn't see him) about an hour ago and she was very busy! Her lights are scheduled to go off in about an hour. Should we leave the lights in her...
  4. azrael

    This is an egg right? Should I be worried

    I have an unmated female and as I mentioned in a previous post, I thought she was gravid. She has been dull in color since about the 19th but otherwise normal including basking and eating (last meal was 2 days ago as we feed her every other day or so) and her stool has been normal. It recently...
  5. azrael

    Gravid, receptive or just cold?

    Hello all, My female who is 20 months old has been showing some confusing colorations for about the past 5 days. I can't remember if she did this last year around this time so I wanted to check and see if she is showing gravid (unmated) coloring, receptive or if she is just cold. She's been...
  6. azrael

    Identifying Other bugs in cricket shipment

    Hi everyone, I just unboxed my latest cricket shipment and found a number of two other types of insects that i cant identify. I have two questions, 1) what are they? 2) are they safe to be fed to my chams or even be in the same bin. One insect looks like some sort of catapillar or...
  7. azrael

    Miss October

    I thought it would be fun to post the original picture for Kali's entry for the 2015 Calendar. I'm a proud mama of having a calendar with my own model above my desk at the emergency animal hospital I work at. My co-workers have come to stop by my desk to see which chameleon it is this month and...
  8. azrael

    Asking for a friend: male not breeding

    I have a friend whod rather not go through the whole process of becoming a forum member ask me to pose this question. She has a pair of panthers she would like to breed. Recent vet and parasite checks have clean bill of health. She has great conditions (ive checked and she has great gutload...
  9. azrael

    How much eco earth for a laying bin?

    I currently have an all sand laying bin and Ive decided to switch to a 3 parts eco earth to one part sand mix as the all sand bin is much too heavy and im always concerned I can't properly clean underneath it since I can't really move it. I've never used eco earth before so my question is...
  10. azrael


    We always wonder what our chams are doing when we arent watching and ive read a few times about people who have a webcam set up to watch their cham (especially gravid females ) I was wondering what brand or type of cameras people use and what they use as a set up or streaming/monitoring?
  11. azrael

    Our beloved dog has lung cancer

    Hello all, I just wanted to first thank the community for helping me get started with chameleons over the past year. We now have 3 and cant picture our lives without them. Unfortunately, im also here to ask for more help. Our dog has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She is still happy and...
  12. azrael

    Kali telling us how she really feels.

    We rarely handle her as she is not a big fan as you can seee but in order to do an occasional once over its a necessary evil. That doesn't stop her from voicing her opinion about it. I had to share our pretty lady.
  13. azrael

    Kaiju is in a mood

    A friend got this lovely picture of Kaiju. The title says he's in a mood but really, that is just Kaiju being Kaiju. Only difference is this time he decided to do it perched upon his feeder cup.
  14. azrael

    Tropical Storm In Madagascar

    Any conservationists know how this storm might effect the chameleons and conservation efforts?
  15. azrael

    Gravid paranoia

    So our girl Kali has had a laying bin in her cage since she was 6 months. She is not showing gravid colors and has not been mated. She will sometimes explore the bottom of her cage but no restlessness or constant seeking. She is currently just over 10 months old. I've noticed she looks a plump...
  16. azrael

    Coincidence or something else; Shedding

    Today I noticed that all 3 of our chams (1 male; 10 months, 1 female 10 months, 1 male 21 months) are in some stage of shedding. Is it a coincidence that they are all shedding at the same time, or is it something environmental or husbandry related that is causing them to have a similar...
  17. azrael

    Monthly weight checks.

    I've tried to make a habit of doing frequent weight checks. Especially with our younger male who seems to have a delicate immune system compared to our others and has been having health issues on and off. Amy how they weighed in at 96 grams for Shiva at 10 months (I'm thinking and hoping for...
  18. azrael

    Most time consuming part of your routine?

    Hi all, Wad thinking tonight about how many times I see chameleon's listed for sale or a new home with the reason of "don't have time to take care of it anymore". This baffles me because I work 10-12 hour days, have a home, a dog and a husband to care for and still find plenty of time to care...
  19. azrael

    Introducing Kaiju

    We've added a new chameleon to our family. We have named him Kaiju. Some of you may remember him as Fiji on the forums. Fellow member henry66 needed to find a home for him and it was the right time for us to add to our family. Even more fortunately, he lived in our area. He came home with us...
  20. azrael

    Bringing home new cham, precautionary panacur?

    We may be bringing home a new cham next week and I've read through the quarantine thread, which was very helpful and we plan to follow, but we still had a couple questions. Should we give him a precautionary dosing of panacur even if he's not showing typical signs of parasites, at least...
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