Search results

  1. ChameSecret

    Neurobiology of Chameleons

    Hey everyone, So I had a chameleon pass away recently from what we believe was a stroke and since then I have been on this kick to understand the chameleon brain. Are there any review articles that examine chameleon neurobiology/neuroanatomy, perhaps with an emphasis on the CNS? I have been all...
  2. ChameSecret

    Reddit Wizard figures out chameleon drinking glass technique?

    So, first: I am not advocating this. At all. I think it's quite unnatural and, well, that a couple bucks retained from a couple paychecks would buy the automatic mister system this clearly experienced handler and their chams would need. ... but this wizard on reddit has figured out how to get...
  3. ChameSecret

    Dehydration + Blindness

    Your Chameleon - 3yo ambanja male, been in my care for 2.5 years Handling - Perhaps once every two weeks to inspect for problems and handfeed Feeding - fed 10-15 crickets twice a week, 1 dusted with calcium, 1 dusted with Dino Fuel Raptor Edition Supplements - See above, plus once a month...
  4. ChameSecret

    Bruised Leg? Or something worse?

    Hey ChamForums! So I've noticed Ramona my 9mo female veiled's back left leg has a nobby brown-orange bulge around it. I first noticed it this morning when she walked onto my hand during feeding. Is this what chameleon bruising looks like? I was thinking she must have taken a tumble while...
  5. ChameSecret

    Complex Analysis of Chameleon Color Signaling

    This is my first time posting in this section, so hey S&C! I'm a lab grunt working in a systems neurobiology laboratory and lately my work life and my love of chameleons has converged. I have been reading primary literature trying to learn as much as I can about the information content of...
  6. ChameSecret

    Adjacent Cages?

    Hey ChamForums Community, I'm writing because after searching previous threads, there seem to be conflicting opinions on placing chameleons in adjoining cages. My living room has a large window that receives most of the room's sunlight, so I've arranged my two cham cages next to each other...
  7. ChameSecret

    New 3.5mo Ambanja named de Nó

    Hey everybody! I was very surprised to find this beautiful sky blue Ambanja with red freckles at the NC Repticon in Raleigh last weekend. Needless to say, I couldn't leave without this good looking chap. In keeping with my trend with naming chams after Spanish neuroscientists, this little guy's...
  8. ChameSecret

    Crusted Nostrils

    Hey ChamForums, I have a quick question. My Ramona has been doing very well lately, except for a white crusty deposit that arrived a few days ago. I've been cleaning it away with a sterile cotton swab when I see it in case it is an infection. It is not blocking either nostril (I went to a vet...
  9. ChameSecret

    Ramona's New Cage

    Just wanted to share some pics I've taken of my 6 mo female veiled, Ramona! She's my first cham, but I'm already interested in a second... :cool: Since half of the things I now know about keeping her happy came from reading people's experiences and advice here on the forums, I thought I would...
  10. ChameSecret

    How much sleep?

    Hi All, newbie here posting first thread. I recently brought home a 2 month old female Veiled to rescue her from a local pet store, having previous experience with herps. This forum has been a compendium of everything Cham-related but I noticed there isn't much info on an overlooked life process...
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