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  1. perry123

    Green House

    Maybe 1.1 rudis's
  2. perry123

    Green House

    Feeding Would I cup feed my chams in a greenhouse I know a lot of people don't recommend cup feeding in a cage but idk how a chameleon in a greenhouse would be able to find small crickets or if the crickets been in there a wile and a not properly gut loaded
  3. perry123

    Green House

    Thanks ill search it
  4. perry123

    Green House

    In the future I would love to make a montane chameleon green house for Rudis chameleons and would love to see how you set up your green house and were you got it. Also what type of uvb lighting i would put in it because i know green houses scatter uvb. And how you control the heat.
  5. perry123

    I'm pretty sure my pygmy is eggbound...what can I do?

    Has she layed her eggs yet
  6. perry123

    Black nails?

    what type of chameleon
  7. perry123

    What are you breeding in the next year? V.4

    Rudis chameleons and hopefully pygmys also crested geckos.
  8. perry123

    I'm pretty sure my pygmy is eggbound...what can I do?

    What type of pygmy and how long has she been gravid for post pics :)
  9. perry123

    Galaxy tab shot

    Those are awesome pics also you might be able to zoom in and out with the volume rocker if it has one.
  10. perry123

    Chameleon Names.

    My male is named little guy and my female is named Nia because she is from Tanzania also I think that name is perfect :D
  11. perry123

    New Population of Furcifer belalandaensis

    Thats really cool
  12. perry123

    Pascella's new enclosure!

    Thats a nice enclosure im sure she will love it.
  13. perry123


    Ya glass cages without ventilation can cause respiratory infection and she might just be trying to climb up the side of the cage. Also I use paper towels it makes it easier to clean there cage.
  14. perry123


    Veiled chameleons have infertile eggs so I dont if she is gravid also what type of cage is that.
  15. perry123

    Constant Hunger Strike

    Try flies. Here is a link were you can buy some
  16. perry123

    blue tongue skink

    I dont think it is because in this article I read by reptile magazine it mentions a lot about feeding them dog or cat food because its high in protein but it might depend on what type of canned dog food. Also i believe its an Irian Jaya blue tongue skink is it captive born.
  17. perry123

    glass cages

    Ah that was my second guest :P
  18. perry123

    glass cages

    Im going to take a guess a baby Trioceros Jacksonii Jacksonii.
  19. perry123

    Spectral pygmy chameleon (rhampholeon spectrum)

    I have a questions whats the gestation for the eggs?
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