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  1. Jsiddens

    Lobster Roaches 15$ a Box

    Hey Im selling boxes of lobster roaches. Im the boxes you will get enough juveniles and adults to have a thriving colony. I have enough to sell about ten boxes so let me know if you are interested. I accept paypal.
  2. Jsiddens

    baby veiled's pickup only

    Hey I have a few baby veileds for sale for 25$ a piece. Local pickup only. Lawrenceville, illinois. No newbs please. These guys need pinheads or fruitflies. Do your research. Message me so we can arrange a time or any questions.
  3. Jsiddens

    Lobster Roaches and Enclosure Local pickup

    Hey. Id like to sell my lobster roach community. It consists of two 40 gal totes and a screened lid. One of the totes is insulated and there is a 100w heat pad underneath. There are about 1000 or more roaches in there and is in full swing. The first person to make arrangements with me to pick...
  4. Jsiddens

    Infertile clutch carrying coloration

    Chameleon Info: * Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon Female around 10 months old * Handling - I dont handle her she doesnt like it once a month I take her out and put her on a plant while I clean her cage. * Feeding - Crickets and Lobster roaches about 5-6 mouth sized ones every...
  5. Jsiddens

    My home built cages

    Neither one is finished or furnished. Wish I would have used clear caulk on the closer to completion one. I'll fix that with some nice stained cheap thin door trim. Just thought I'd show a pic of em.
  6. Jsiddens

    If your thinking about breeding crix...

    Do it! It's fun, cheap and a great way to control what goes into your cham from the ground up. You can feed your crix lots of healthy veggies or fruits that you have and eat your self. Here is a link I found helpful. Here is a pic of the crix reared, laid...
  7. Jsiddens

    Finally caught her gulping

    Well I have never seen my female drink...That is until today! I have an automated misting system and spray 3 times a day or more and the most I have ever seen was kind of a lip smacking motion when she stands in front of the mister.Stool has always been fine. I caught her this morning licking...
  8. Jsiddens

    Anyone use a Shurflo pump for misting?

    I already have a (diy)misting system and am just kinda interested in peoples thoughts on pumps. Be it flojet, Shurflo, Promist, Mistking or any others. I myself have a Flojet ET508. What have you got? What is your favorite or least favorite?
  9. Jsiddens

    Had a lot of crickets die rapidly

    I've been doing pretty good with my home cricket breeding operation but when I got home this morning I noticed alot of deaths in my adult breeder box. I recently ordered egg cartons online from a cricket seller. Im hoping that this didnt have the cricket virus on it or something like that. Ive...
  10. Jsiddens

    Misting nozzles for 3/8 hose?

    Im tired of my misting nozzles not performing to my liking. Does anyone know of a no drip nozzle or some that maybe could swivel that would fit my hose?
  11. Jsiddens

    Superworm Breeding

    I get tired of buying them. My cricket farming in my 6 - 40 gal totes is in full swing. Produces more than enough for my chams and fish. But there is just something about that look in my chams eyes or the rapid bites they take when turning a big juicy superworm to mush that makes me want to...
  12. Jsiddens

    My Veiled loves male crickets

    I know this sounds funny but my female veiled "natasha" loves to seek out the chirpers that are just singing away oblivious to there impending doom. I dont know if she hears them real well or the vibration when they chirp. But they don't get to do it long because she is on them. Just thought i'd...
  13. Jsiddens

    Just ordered A B.A.H. misting system

    Well I just ordered a bah misting system. I have read about some others MK , PM , RM but im hopeful this will be of decent quality and enough pressure to carry to my two cages. This all started because of my failed automated drip system which i might resume r an d on it at a later time. Any...
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