Today sucks

This is my first blog on this site. I first used this site just for asking questions without searching if anybody posted a question first. Then after a few months, I began searching the site first and then asking questions if it wasn't on there. And today, I've decided to take the time and make use of this site completely by adding my blogs and everything else.
Let's see... I've been working a regular 9-5 mon-fri. job while my girl stays home (she's currently unemployed). I recently found out she was chatting with some guy online while i was working. They were flirting with each other and it pissed me off. I'm sad.
My female Veiled was sick and her hind limbs were swollen and she was sitting at the bottom of her cage for a few days. I thought she was looking for a digging site as at the time I was trying to have her mate with a male. So Iput her in a container with EcoEarth soil and made sure it's sufficient for digging a tunnel. I had to force feed her crickets and water. She's doing better now and her limbs are getting back to normal. She's even started climbing again. That cheered me up a little bit.
I'm just wating to get accepted into a nursing program so i can be a RN already and make that cash!!! then i can buy all the chameleon's in the world! all of them... muhahahahaha. i'll even get a mohawk gelled to the shape of a male veiled's casque. yessssss....


Aww that has got to suck. I know when I talk to guys on line if it crosses from just talking I get off without saying goodbye. I hope things are better for you.

Hows the chameleon doing?
whatcha mean? type of chameleon? or type of mbd? She's a veiled. uhm.. i have no clue on types of mbd. i just know she had it. Her jaw was very spongy and her hind limbs were swollen. She was very weak. At the time all my money was going to bills and other things to pay off, so I didn't have any money for a vet visit. So I did as much as i could from home. I changed her UVB bulb out to a 10.0, I kept that light on all night, i force fed her and I force drank her water with calcium powder. She did get better and her hind legs stayed got better.
I was asking what type of Chameleon. She looks like a senegal in the pic. Shes small.
Oh if you're referring to my avatar pic, That's actually my Rudis. The cham i was talkin about was a veiled.
Will get some today. I'll take pictures of everything today. Male Veiled, Female Veiled, male and female fueleborni (flapjacks),
She's recuperated already. The swelling in her limbs have gone down, she's back to normal eating, she's got a big appetite, shedding normally and thoroughly. I have a box of sand in there just in case she needs to bury eggs. I'll post pics in a few minutes
Wow she is small. But pretty. Congratz on coming over this hurdle of MBD.
Yeah, I'm guessing the MBD is what really stunted her growth. I didn't realize that you have to change the bulb after a certain period of months. That's why. So ... I learned my lesson and i'm glad that I or my veiled didn't have to learn the hard way.
Females can be smaller than the males. How old is she? My 3 females are about that size and they are 9 - 10 months old. One had
MBD when I bought her and I brought her back to health. She isn't any smaller then the other two that have been healthy since I got them.

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