Breeding crickets

Things needed:
+ 18 g sterilite tote with lid
+ packing tape
+ chinese take out container or anything 2 inches tall by whatever you want on length and width.
+ peat moss mix.
+ adult crickets
+ misting bottle
+ 90-100 ambient temps

This is my super simple way to do this. Get a shallow approx 2 inch tall container by however long and wide you want. The bigger the better. Place about 1 inch of peat moss mix in the container and make it thoroughly wet. Place this container in with some adult crickets and remove the following day. Get a 18 gallon sterilite tote and line the top of the tote with packing tape. Do this below the hole that are on the handles or seal the little holes up. Nymphs will climb and will get out of any small hole. In the summer i place them in the garage where it is super warm. Temps are usually between 90-100f degrees. During incubation, I crack the lid on the tote and mist once daily. Take the lid off once they hatch. They generally hatch out in 7-10 days.

Good luck!


I use moist soil, and cover it with screen, so the males don't eat the eggs. And the males will eat them. I watch them dig up the eggs and kill a lot of potential crickets.

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