My experience with MBD and JoJo

I'm not too sure if I am doing this correctly to start out, but I have been reading random blogs all month about all sorts of things. I feel like I should start one about JoJo; from the time that I got her, up until now, and until she is no longer with me.

She has been such a huge part of my life already, and I say this knowing how cheesy it sounds. However, I have never had a pet that has depended on me more than she has. I have had all sorts of reptiles before her, mainly frogs and turtles, but it is hard to establish a real connection with any of those.

Her cage sits right between my bed and my desk, and sometimes when I am doing homework or reading, she will come over to whichever side I am on and watch me. When I open her door, she crawls right onto my hand, and I sit her on my shoulder where she holds onto my necklace. I wear thick homemade necklaces because of this. She will sit on my shoulder until it is her bedtime; never making a sound, never attempting to leave.

It is hard to find someone that can call a reptile, more importantly a chameleon, a friend, but that is what I feel like she is. Whenever I see that she is getting bored or restless in her cage, I set aside some time in the afternoon to take her outside for a few hours where, again, she contently sits on my shoulder, never wanting anything more than company.

I know that chameleon brains are small, most likely incapable of feeling emotions as complex as love or trust, but I would like to think that even if she can't feel anything like that for me, she realizes that I have a connection with her. She had a horrible start to life, and I think that it is my privilege to make sure that the rest of her life is filled with happiness... or as happy as a chameleon can be :)

I plan for this blog to help new chameleon owner see what can happen if they do not take the time to probably care for it. I also hope that this blog gives seasoned owners hope that not every abuse case ends in sadness. I won't be talking about what you need to do to make your own chameleon healthy, but what I did to try to save JoJo, and some of the frustrations I endured. I hope that I am able to update at least once a week if not more often.

Thank you for your time :)



I love JoJo's story. Thank you for sharing it with us. My chams love for me to interact with them. Several of them reach and grab for me when they see me. I think that JoJo knows that you saved her and that she appreciates everything that you do for her. I look forward to your updates.
What a sweet little girl JoJo was! I do not know her story but if you saved her from an abusive home she already has a connection to you as someone who loved and cared for her! You made her a happy Cham, in the amount of time she had left. Bless you and bless little JoJo...she is idling down on you from heaven now!

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