Ah, To Handle or not To Handle!!!

So, there has been so much debate on this forum about whether to handle your chameleon or not. I have read: "Don't handle unless you have to, don't put in high traffic area, don't put in another room with other pets, and the list goes on and on. Well, I for one do all these "dont's"!!! Does handling and contact really effect your chameleon's health? Well, my thoughts are this: There has been no concrete evidence or proof that handling your chameleon will shorten its lifespan. If there is, then I would love to see it! It would be an awesome experiment though now wouldn't it!? Take two chameleons of the same age, handle one on a regular basis and leave the other one to a basic solitary existence with no interaction. So, would we find out that one would live much longer than the other? Does stress really kill????? They say it is so in humans, but does anyone really know for sure? I do believe that all animals have a predisposition when born and some are nicer than others. Just like us humans!! Can you change a personality? Well, maybe not change, but somewhat alter by interaction: Most definitely!! But as always, there are going to be exceptions. As quoted by Kammerflage Kreations, these amazing creatures are "living pieces of art" but that does not mean we just have to sit there and stare at them in awe!!! If your chameleon is approachable and ok with it, then I say....happy handling!!!!


I totally agree with you Carol. Thank you for taking the time to put it in a blog. Jann
My friendliest one is front and center and watches the dogs and the cat. I handle him daily and I think he's happier that way! He scratches at the cage when he sees me (otherwise he sits contently) because he wants to come out. So I let him, and everyone loves him! :)

The others, not so much...
I agree with you as well Carol, if the cham wants it, then obviously he or she is not stressed by it and enjoy your company.
Well, stress can and will kill animals. Prolonged stress weakens things like the immune system, so it stands to reason that you would be opening them up to diseases and such.

However, I think that if you can warm an animal up to you, then your presence stresses them out less, even when it's just you walking by, which probably means they live better. If you have a cham that hates the sight of you, even if you leave them alone they're probably freaking out every time they see you walk by the cage.

So I try to get mine to be friendly if I can. The more I've learned the better I've gotten at it, so my last few have been the friendliest.
My Chameleon doesn't mind being picked up. Often he will come to me if I just put my hand near him. I guess if your chameleon likes being handled then it's probably causing less stress then one that hisses and bites.
Great blog post! Honestly, I don't really give my chams a choice on whether they are picked up or not...I pick them up daily! I am not 'in your face', and my chams are generally well mannered, even-keeled and gentle, as I am with them. If they show defensive behaviour when I coax them onto my hand then I withdraw and try again later. My two don't mind a cuddle or a kiss (yes, I have been known to kiss my chams!), and sometimes they even get a treat so they know its not a bad thing to be in Mom's grasp!

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