New CB OE Parsons keeper


Chameleon Enthusiast
As I´m very excited to have finally found the opportunity to get a Parsons, I´m also feeling I´m back at the start this `hobby´ uhhhhh passion.

He/she is now for 2 weeks under our wings and I´m first time anxious again about keeping an animal. Already received some great info from fellow CF members and also found out he/she is bit on small / light side. Weight Neo last Saturday for the first time and the scale put it on 36 grams. Neo is captive bred from a French breeder (first clutch) of his own pair of OE Parsons, also CB.

I´m now gonna weekly weigh Neo and see if thing are changing in growth or I need to do changes.
Neo ate directly after arriving with us, at first locusts, wax worms, silk worms, dubias and redrunners. Now the focus seems to lay on crickets and BSF´s, needed to remove the locusts because they where eating the plants and where out growing Neo. Dubia´s and the redrunners are at shooting gallery feeder, however no real interest. Free range crickets and the BSF´s are more of an interest.

Drinking is not a problem, Neo does it in the open, mostly licking the droplets from branches and leaves after a misting session. Still I´ve added an extra dripper last weekend, just to be sure.

Can´t wait to see Neo grow and to sex it.

Keep you weekly updated.

Here are some pictures and movies of Neo



Nice young Calumma parsonii parsonii. Good luck keeping your youngster long term. When this species thrive in captivity they are an amazing species to keep.

Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich
Can´t wait, very curious about what they have to bring, exact from looking amazing 😇

9 out of 10 times they same pretty lazy and wait till food just drops by. And that one time
they do a bit of a effort....
Can´t wait, very curious about what they have to bring, exact from looking amazing 😇

9 out of 10 times they same pretty lazy and wait till food just drops by. And that one time
I would not that laziness fool you, Calumma parsonii parsonii require large oversized enclosures. This species can be very active when they are thriving. Calumma parsonii ssp. is an amazing and spectacular species.

Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich
I would not that laziness fool you, Calumma parsonii parsonii require large oversized enclosures. This species can be very active when they are thriving. Calumma parsonii ssp. is an amazing and spectacular species.

Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich
You make my day, happy to read this. Already got an XL special build enclosure and will extend this in the future with a free range part.
Mine is pretty active wasn't at frist. But took her about month to get settled in. They will hunt just not the fastest at it. Mine loves long misting seems like more water she gets more she eats
Mine is pretty active wasn't at frist. But took her about month to get settled in. They will hunt just not the fastest at it. Mine loves long misting seems like more water she gets more she eats
Great information, thanks for sharing. Since I´ve started to monitor him/her and it looks like it´s hunting more. For you it´s clear she´s a she?
I'm going by mines color. At around 50 grams mine turned a green. Was about color of yours till then. But I have yellow giant. Does your cup feed that was hardest for mine still is. Mine will eat out of hand but likes free range tried all feeder run and what not.
I'm going by mines color. At around 50 grams mine turned a green. Was about color of yours till then. But I have yellow giant. Does your cup feed that was hardest for mine still is. Mine will eat out of hand but likes free range tried all feeder run and what not.
We´re on the same ship there!! Mine did eat out of my hand and definitely prefers free range. Cup feeding is a NO GO!! It looks at it for long time and then turns its back against it. As backup I also got a feeder run, but no direct results so far. That´s why I installed the camera. Downside with free range I think is supplementation.
Also added a dripper for the first time in a setup.

Today it spent about a hour in front of a position where a few crickets were gathering, couldn´t see it eat.

Colors are starting to get green/blue for the PJ colors, during the day olive with gold/orange between the scales (I´m bad with colors :cautious: 😅)
I put the bugs on branches by her or hand feed 90 percent of time. Food dish I've had best luck so far was a 6inch dog dish in a pot. Tried shooting gallery full throttle and bird dishes. On the dog dish now. Mine went up 13.7 grams last two weeks so now 74.9 grams and will be 7 months old on the 14th. This the color mine is most of time now.


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I do have to emit that I also think hydration stands in full correlation with appetite for these species, as suggested by @Jpeff. Since I installed a camera to constantly observe Neo during work, I´ve noticed a big chance during the last days, mainly due hydration.

I already started with a dripper for more than a week ago, but didn´t noticed any direct changes. With all other chams I don´t use drippers (also not for my free-range setups) and truly belief in the `naturalistic hydration´ theory because have success with it with all my other chams. The problem I had with Neo´s enclosure, it sat on the end of the fogging line / tubing, which eventually resulted in not enough fog to fill the entire enclosure and the fog didn´t reach Neo´s sleeping spot. Therefore, I added an extra fogger just for this enclosure and started with it four nights ago. Now from 11.00pm till 06.00am temps are between 60°F and 62°F and the enclosure is filled with dense fog.

First two days I didn´t noticed any direct visible changes, however yesterday I saw a more active hunting behavior, as for today the turrets are more extracted then usual and Neo´s all morning successful active hunting down everything that moves. Also, dark green is getting permanent visible.

Was this the missing link to get a Parson thriving or is it just coincidence?
Once you find way that works they are little pigs. Mines like little vacuum. Took my outside wedsday had ton of green and yellow didn't get pic left phone inside. Taking some out today after warms up. Was thinking of putting some 📷 in cages just haven't done it yet. There some that were from same clutch as mine that are way bigger then mine
Mine doing good. Has a spot of old shed stuck on lip looks kinda funny. Starting to think how I want her next cage for inside. I have the frame I order already. Think I'm going to change the pole on side so it will be 6 high instead of 4 foot
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