New Member


Hi everyone!

I’m new to the forum, and want to make sure I’m checking all the boxes for our girl Kiri.
She’s a veiled chameleon, I think she’s a juvenile but am unsure of her exact age.
  • Terrarium size: 2’x2’x4’
  • Lighting: 5.0 T5 HO UVB 22” & 60W basking bulb. Her basking area stays around 80 degrees and her lights are on a timer for 7am-7pm.
  • Humidity: daytime-70-75%, nightime-around 90%. We fog and mist 30 mins before lights on and 30 mins after lights out, for about 2 mins.
  • Plants: all real; a few pothos, money tree, ivy, monstera, and bird of paradise.
  • Feeding: ~4-6 gut loaded crickets 2x a day, dusted with repti-calcium without D3, and repashy LoD (2x a month). We tried hornworms but she didn’t seem to have an interest for them yet.
  • Nesting box: it’s place towards the back of the enclosure with a branch leading to it, play sand about 6” deep, and the box is about 12-14” long and 8-9” wide. Not sure when she’ll start using it but she has been climbing down towards it more recently.
I attached the photos of her enclosure and of her. She recently had her first shed since we got her last month.

I’m all ears for any advice or improvements! 😊


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Hi Welcome to the forum! your daytime humidity is too high for veileds it should be 40-50. Also it is good to add variety to your feeders like silkworms, dubia roaches, black soldier fly larvae, and superworms. Here are a few sheets for you


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Congrats! 🎊🎉 I hope you have a great time with your cham. Welcome to the forum! If you need any help just holler.
Here are some links if you need help with husbandry: Chameleon Academy ~ YouTube ~ Neptune The Chameleon ~ YouTube
Here are some links for food and supplies: Food ~ Food as well ~ Leap Supplies ~ Arcadia
And here is a link for some discounts: Neptune the Chameleon Discount
Enjoy your new chameleon!😊

Thank you for writing down all your supplies, temps, and humidity numbers, before we asked. Really helpful! @TheMotherChameleon gave some good advice. Can’t wait to see more updates and pictures of Kiri!
Congrats!! She’s such a cutie! 😍 My young female veiled refused hornworms the first couple of times I offered them too. She actually turned her nose up to them lol. I tried them again about a month later and she ate them right up - so definitely keep offering.

Can’t wait to see more of this little sweetie!
Also, more pics of your Cham would help us judge the age
The first pic is of her now and the second one was of her at the beginning of March, when we first got her. Let me know if I need to take a better pic. She’s still trying to get used to us coexisting😅. So I try not to stress her out too much when she is trying to avoid me.


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Congrats!! She’s such a cutie! 😍 My young female veiled refused hornworms the first couple of times I offered them too. She actually turned her nose up to them lol. I tried them again about a month later and she ate them right up - so definitely keep offering.

Can’t wait to see more of this little sweetie!
Thank you! Kiri did the same exact thing!😅 I’ll definitely try to again.
The first pic is of her now and the second one was of her at the beginning of March, when we first got her. Let me know if I need to take a better pic. She’s still trying to get used to us coexisting😅. So I try not to stress her out too much when she is trying to avoid me.
I am not the best at judging age but I will so it is around 3-4 months
Oh my goodness she is such a doll! Welcome to you both!!! The only thing I can see in the info you provided above is how far is the distance between the top branches and her uvb light? Is there a branch running directly under it?
Oh my goodness she is such a doll! Welcome to you both!!! The only thing I can see in the info you provided above is how far is the distance between the top branches and her uvb light? Is there a branch running directly under it?
Thank you!😊 I dot have a branch, it’s about 7” from the top. We’re actually planning on adding more to give her more options.
Thank you!😊 I dot have a branch, it’s about 7” from the top. We’re actually planning on adding more to give her more options.
That’s a great idea! Please share pics when you’ve updated her enclosure. I love seeing what people come up with :)
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