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  1. CalamityCrow

    Best heat bulb hood?

    So the hood for heat I have is a really old one from the chameleon death kit... And it's eating through my incandescent bulbs. I think I've replaced bulbs 5 times in 6 months. Does anyone have a recommendation for a decent replacement? Picture of Boogie for attention (and because his colors...
  2. CalamityCrow

    Mouth rot?

    Howdy... Looking for some opinions. I think Boogie may have some mouth rot or at least something going on with his mouth. It's looked odd for a week or so but I think it's become more prominent. Don't mind his super dull colors - he is VERY much on the verge of a shed. It's a real struggle to...
  3. CalamityCrow

    Reputable Online Feeder Sources

    Hello y'all! So in the past week or so, my baby cham has decided that dubia are currently yucky and he'll literally pick BSFL out of his feeder cup from around the dubia. :rolleyes: So I'm in the market to find other feeder options that he'd like, so I can add variety. Ideally, I'm looking for...
  4. CalamityCrow

    Heat/Humidity Recommendations

    Good evening all! I recently moved to Albuquerque and have been struggIing to maintain a good heat/humidity level for my male panther, Boogie. He's about 4mos old and seems to be thriving, but I know his environment could be better. I have a Dragon Strand hybrid 2x2x4 cage with all live...
  5. CalamityCrow

    New little guy!

    I'm still waiting on information about what happened to Little Guy. My guess is an infection that spread from getting that bump biopsied. I'll be calling the vet tomorrow (if I remember in time - I'm now 2 hours earlier in time zone and I keep forgetting to call until it's after hours EST...) to...
  6. CalamityCrow

    Odd bump on leg?

    Alas, it's my turn to ask a question... Does anyone recognize what this lump on Little Guy's leg might be? I noticed it just today during a couple minutes of handling, so I don't think it's been there long. At most it's been there a few days as I try to give him a good once-over regularly, and...
  7. CalamityCrow

    Eyes bulging while asleep?

    Good evening folks. Has anyone here experienced an otherwise healthy cham whose eyes bulge out while he's asleep? I have a ~1yo male panther (named Little Guy) and the last couple of nights, for a few hours during his sleep time, he's had his eyes closed but really bulged out. Both eyes seem...
  8. CalamityCrow

    How much poop is too much?

    Howdy folks! So my cham (Little Guy) is just reaching adulthood (he'll be 1 in October) and I've noticed that when he poops, it's quite a lot. I'd say he poops every 2-3 days, and when he does, it's a nice big urate, which is mostly white, and like 3-4 turds after. Sometimes they're pretty...
  9. CalamityCrow

    Normal activities?

    Quick question... I've been bringing Little Guy, who is about 10 months old, outside for about 15 minutes a day to work on handling as well as getting some real UVB. He's done a couple of things that I want to make sure are generally normal. Twice, he's given a little huff. Like someone might do...
  10. CalamityCrow

    When to start limiting food?

    Hello all! I've been struggling on the search function to find an answer here so apologies if this has already been answered a zillion times... My cham is right around 8mos old, purchased from Kammerflage Kreations. He's a male panther, but I feel like he's maybe still a bit small for his...
  11. CalamityCrow

    Deworming as a standard?

    Hi! My vet wants to give my 4mo panther a series of deworming as a baseline standard... Is that normal? Should I do it? They're doing a fecal to rule anything out but I don't like unnecessary medical treatments.
  12. CalamityCrow

    Spitting out crickets?

    Good morning folks. I have a concern about my new baby panther. I've seen him eat a few times, sometimes successfully, and a couple times having spit out his food. He'll shoot it, hold it in his mouth for 30 seconds or so, chew, and eventually spit it out. I managed to get a video of it, which...
  13. CalamityCrow

    Critter Nation Cage Conversion?

    Hello all! I'm brand new here and I'm getting my first ever (very cute ~3mo old ambilobe) panther chameleon next week (fingers crossed for tons of reds!). While I have a reptibreeze currently set up for him, it's the L (18" x 18" x 36") and not the XL. I'm working on figuring long-term cage...
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