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  1. P

    Sick male chameleon

    I feel so horrible. I believe she has passed. I’ve had her for years and the pet store I bought her from told me she was a male so I was completely unprepared for this. Now that I know,I have found eggs in her cage in the past but I didn’t know that it was an egg at the time. I just thought it...
  2. P

    Sick male chameleon

    Thank you
  3. P

    Sick male chameleon

    He wakes up and hisses every now and then but usually he is trying to close his eyes
  4. P

    Sick male chameleon

  5. P

    Sick male chameleon

    Hello! I have a male chameleon. I checked on him this morning and saw him at the bottom of his cage, at around 5 pm I noticed he was still at the bottom and was weak and unable to move. I moved him closed to his heat lamp, and have now been force feeding him water and trying to force feed him...
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