Recent content by IrohtheVeiled

  1. IrohtheVeiled

    Plants - homemade alternative to liquid fertilizer?

    Hi all, I was looking into ways to give a plant that had a rough time being repotted a boost. I came across a homemade liquid fertilizer recipe that’s as follows: Used organic coffee grounds Soda water Cinnamon Would anything in this be harmful to chams? I am assuming the cinnamon is an...
  2. IrohtheVeiled

    Chameleon Safari in South Florida?

    That means they’re not native - they were introduced by humans. Unfortunately means they’re an invasive species in this instance.
  3. IrohtheVeiled

    Iroh loves his roaches

  4. IrohtheVeiled

    Arcadia Grow Light Generating Too Much Heat

    Oh I’m sorry didn’t mean to subconsciously assume you’re a dude, my bad
  5. IrohtheVeiled

    Veiled chameleon enclosure help

    There’s a lot of information when it comes to caring for these beautiful reptiles. I struggled with similar issues with Iroh when I got him, and got very similar input from this form on this thread...
  6. IrohtheVeiled

    Veiled chameleon enclosure help

    There’s been a notable change in my chameleons demeanor since swapping out my zilla for a Arcadia t5 His colors are much more vibrant too :)
  7. IrohtheVeiled

    Veiled chameleon enclosure help

    At a glance I can say without too much effort: Not enough spaces to climb Not enough foliage (live plants preferred especially with veileds as they are plant eaters you risk compaction with plastic ones) The slimline by zilla uvb strip you’re running doesn’t provide adequate uvb - this is...
  8. IrohtheVeiled

    Veiled chameleon enclosure help

    Others are going to chime in but just at a glance yes you’ll need a different lamp setup entirely. Along with a lot of other adjustments. @MissSkittles can probably provide you with a lot more insight than me. She helped me make a bunch of corrections to my husbandry.
  9. IrohtheVeiled

    Meet my boy Zuko

    Our chameleon is named after Iroh. :)
  10. IrohtheVeiled

    Arcadia Grow Light Generating Too Much Heat

    When I asked beman about this he said that the overall temp of the cage gets raised like 1-2 degrees from the light. The range on the light isn’t huge so I imagine it’s less effective the more you raise it up.
  11. IrohtheVeiled

    Veiled Chameleon restless behavior/screenclimbing towards UVB strip

    You think I could attach them to the outside of the cage so it doesn’t mess with my dragon ledges I’m using for the branch network?
  12. IrohtheVeiled

    Veiled Chameleon restless behavior/screenclimbing towards UVB strip

    Just to see if it was something in the room causing him to do this I left his curtains up on 3 cage walls today, and sure enough he has not been restless. Not sure what in the living room causes him anxiety, very well could be me and my partner in the room.
  13. IrohtheVeiled

    Veiled Chameleon restless behavior/screenclimbing towards UVB strip

    Yeah I get it I just wish I could make it less of an issue of him maybe hurting himself by breaking a nail or something of that sort. If I wanted to throw lattice on the sides I’d have to literally take apart the whole cage. If anything if I can’t stop him from patrolling I’d like to make it a...
  14. IrohtheVeiled

    Veiled Chameleon restless behavior/screenclimbing towards UVB strip

    Yeah I’m in the process of trying to rearrange his branches to make it so he has more options. What I found odd is it seems like it’s reactive to us being present in the room and him wanting to come out, whenever we’re gone and come back he’s just chilling we linger around his cage he’ll get...
  15. IrohtheVeiled

    Veiled Chameleon restless behavior/screenclimbing towards UVB strip

    The sound of the nails on the mesh though, that’s hard to deal with in a living room setting. Here’s what his cage looks like currently:
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