Dubia or Green Banana Roaches?

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Panchlora nivea Blaptica dubia


Its been a while since I have posted here. We have been getting more inquiries on green banana roaches and the giant green banana roachesso I will post answers to questions we have been receiving on them.

First a little background on us so you know where the basis of our replies come from. We have been selling roaches for over 7 years now. Basically as feeders, many different species and in the last couple of years especially there has been more interest and demand in the Panchlora species.

Panchlora nivea aka Green banana roaches as nymphs are brown and do not climb. Adults are winged and can fly as well as climb. Size is sexually dimorphic. Males get maybe 15 mm and females get upwards of 24 mm. For those who arent sure about metric measurments there are 25.4 mm per inch.

The giant Panchlora (possibly Panchlora viridis) get larger. They are also sized according to sex. Males a little smaller than Panchlora nivea females and the females can get 1.25 inches long and 2-3 times the mass of female Panchlora nivea. Care for both species is the same. Although the giant green are even more difficult to come by.

Bucket cages work best. The plastic paint buckets with the snap on lids. Get the smaler size ones. Then you cut a hole in the top and side to attach screen. Use microscreen, metal not plastic. Rotting wood is a god substrate. They will actually eat rotting wood along with fruits and relatively minimal amounts of dog food. While individually they dont eat a lot a good size colony can go through food surprisingly quick. They need to be kept very humid. 80% or more humidity. They fly quite well. I would say as far as flying roaches one of the better fliers, so insectaslip or other such things dont really do anything . The reason for the suggestion of the smaller buckets is so they can be placed in the refrigerator for several minutes to slow them down so they can be easily handled and fed off.

As adults male Panchlora nivea live 6-12 weeks females uowards of six months. They are fairly prolific once they get going because they are shortlived when done right they reproduce and grow faster. As far as size goes yes they are smaler than other feedr roaches but have an excellent meat to shell ratio and are still far larger than flies, which many people here also use.

Blaptica dubia are an excellent roach and I am glad to see people listening to us over the years in regards to them. They are still are most popular roach offering.
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