Do i need a bigger enclosure?


Hey so I've had my chameleon for a while now but I've noticed he has been climbing the sides more often and making it seem like he wants out very bad. He walks strait onto my arm and seems to be happier on my arm then in the enclosure. Hes always a darker green in the enclosure and turns a bright colorful greenish yellow when on my arm. Do you think I should get him a bigger enclosure and is the enclosure being to small affecting his mood?


  • 20200619_121735.jpg
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What are the dimensions? I think the minimum is 2’x2’x4’ for a screen enclosure. Correct me if I’m wrong
Yeah I ordered one and it arrived yesterday of that size but it came broken so I have to wait for a new one. The one he is in is small but hes not full grown so i wasnt sure if he was getting to big for the enclosure.
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