Congestive heart failure in a veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus): A case report…

I love birds too! I have lots coming to my yard…normal ones… like several sparrow species, grackles, robins, mourning doves, etc. and blue jays, cardinals, dark eyed juncos, chickadees, woodpeckers, etc. I test the blue jays with peanuts. I try to find different shaped peanuts with shells on them to see if they can pick them up….or if they test them for weight before taking them. I have one that will take 2…slides one into its mouth so it goes partway down its throat so it can fit a second on crosswise. It’s the same one that beeps at me to get my attention and also copies my beeps. If I beep once, it does, if I beep twice it does…but that’s as far as it goes…so far.
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