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  1. smpliprfct

    Does Ghann's have Virus?

    yes is what i have been lead to believe
  2. smpliprfct

    who has CRICKETS???

    I always use and have never had any issues, every once in a while fedex will mess up and they have always sent me replacement shipments. has a flat rate of 25.00 shipped never tried em but i would!
  3. smpliprfct

    keeping chameleon in your room?

    i have three in my small bedroom - using timers for the lights i have had no problems. I am actually amazed at how soundly they sleep once lights off - i do put a sheet over my eldest panthers enclosure because of his central location in my room and that's only when i know i am gonna up late.
  4. smpliprfct

    Where to buy tubing???

    Where can i buy tubing for my mistking? I need like twenty feet and the kind i bought from lowes is too rubbery, not as rigid as the kind that came with the system. I need a lot!
  5. smpliprfct

    pink silkworms!!

    reverse silk worms start as moths, then they cocoon - in which they turn to worms and then back to eggs just reverse the whole process :D. but really what are reverse silkworms?
  6. smpliprfct

    pink silkworms!!

    i always use the chow mix and when it comes time to cocooning i will get both white and yellow cocoons - less yellow than white. I have noticed that the yellow cocoons usually are smaller than the white ones. I have to be honest i love this feeder - the only money i spend on them now is buying...
  7. smpliprfct

    pink silkworms!!

    thanks for sharing - i have heard of colored silkies before via feeding them colored foods such as beats for red guys - didn't want to risk it though cause that would eventually kill em. I wonder what other colors look like?
  8. smpliprfct

    Complete Newbie Question Number One

    IMO i think the general rule is to look but not touch - chameleons are display animals - besides when necessary such as cleaning or a vet visit. That doesn't mean there aren't exceptions - many people here on the forums have friendly chams that LIKE to be taken out. At the same time many have...
  9. smpliprfct

    Supperworms in poop

    a super worm will NEVER be able to eat its way out of a cham after ingestion....the acids in the stomach make sure of that.
  10. smpliprfct

    finding live plants???

    i just went out searching today and came across an amazing selection of plants at Home depot - they weren't in the nursery but right next to it inside - almost missed em. They have most of the plants that are listed on here in the live plant database.
  11. smpliprfct

    New England Reptile Expo Tomorrow!

    Just wanted everyone to know that tomorrow is the New England Reptile Expo in my town of Manchester, NH. It is always a huge turn-out and tons of herps and great deals on food. I'm hoping to pick up a young male veiled I am set up for, but who knows... :D ANYWAY the website is...
  12. smpliprfct

    Any Idea's on this Discovery?

    Hello I raise my own silkworms but don't have an any mulberry trees or plants to collect from so I order the powdered chow mix online. I usually get it from Mulberry Farms but have recently ordered from Coastal Silkworms Eastcoast store (I live in NH). What i noticed was that the powdered food...
  13. smpliprfct

    Thinking of going glass...need input!

    I have a male jackson's that is pushing a little over one year and is currently housed in the classic screened cage as are all my other chameleons. The problem is that his humidity is the BIGGEST pain - even with a humidifier, mist king and dripper!!! While these things added with several sides...
  14. smpliprfct

    Power Outtage Nightmare!!!

    I've been fairly busy so this happened two weekends ago but there was a damaging wind storm in New Hampshire where I live that knocked over many trees and powerlines leaving most of the state without power. The night of the storm a 70ft. tall pine tree crashed into my yard almost destroying my...
  15. smpliprfct

    Our First BABY GIRL!!!

    We purchased this beautiful BB Ambilobe girl from Jim at the Chameleon Company and couldn't be happier! Her date of hatch is 12/06/09 and sire is Beetlejuice. She is amazingly healthy, loves worms - phoenix and silk. No name yet but soon! And heres everyone else taken earlier today...
  16. smpliprfct

    Plant Help!

    I need help furnishing a 18x18x36 cage but cant find any 'tall' plants to get in there, I live in NH no nurseries are carrying anything close to what i need or see listed here on the forums. All I CAN get is pothos and more pothos... maybe i am looking for the wrong thing? What do you suggest...
  17. smpliprfct

    Old cham/ should i put her down?

    what vet do you use in NH, i live here to and am looking for one.
  18. smpliprfct

    photo session of em' all

    thank you we do too!:D
  19. smpliprfct

    photo session of em' all

    Here is everyone! our xanth jeffrey. he's almost 10 months and our ambilobe kilgore, hes almost 6 months and was surprisingly cooperative today abraxas lounging around and thulsa loves playing wii!
  20. smpliprfct

    reptile show

    I live in New Hampshire too and we get the New England Reptile expo twice a year in Manchester in southern NH. Here is the link It's where I found the two chameleons I have now (you can search my posts to see pictures :D) as well as my boa. I think...
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