Search results

  1. Hashtag ChamLife

    Gargoyle gecko eggs

    So, I've had a gargoyle for around a year. Bought her (obviously a female now) as a baby. While cleaning out her cage I found 4 eggs, and 1 egg shell. Having gone through a few clutches of chameleon eggs now, I can say these eggs totally look viable. I've read that gargoyles are capable or...
  2. Hashtag ChamLife

    Its been a while so heres an update

    I've had about 3 clutches hatch in short order. They were laid a few months apart but all seemed to hatch within weeks of each other. I've sold most of the first clutch of faly - though thats not why I'm posting. I'd like to add a word to potential breeders and simply put "its not as easy as it...
  3. Hashtag ChamLife

    Air plant bloom question(s)...

    I have a few air plants floating around, pardon the pun. Most of them have never flowered. One or two I bought in the flowering stage and they died out. Recently, with upgraded plant lighting, I've had some success getting them to bloom! While kinda cool, and pretty considering the source...
  4. Hashtag ChamLife

    Silkworm Success/Excess

    Recently I switched egg suppliers to @snitz427 . I used to get 1,000 or so eggs from Mulberry Farms and I'd end up with about 1-200 mature worms. Well, I did the same with her eggs and now I have probably 800 worms! While it's nice to have great success, I don't need that many moths and the...
  5. Hashtag ChamLife

    Interesting Colors

    I came outside to check on my boy on the free range and saw something I've NEVER seen. He was white. Now, I've seen him get pretty white, but not like this. When I came out the Shepard's hook was swaying back and forth so I'm guessing a bird came by or maybe a squirrel. It sits on the other side...
  6. Hashtag ChamLife

    Gargoyle Gecko activity

    I recently got a gargoyle gecko as a "Christmas gift". I know they're nocturnal, but I also know they dont have eyelids! I find it stash in a back corner during the day - behind a cork round on a birch branch as opposed to any number of fairly dark hides. I have 3 concerns/questions at this...
  7. Hashtag ChamLife

    Pitcher plant "fertilization"...

    For all you plant folk out there... I know its said that you aren't supposed to fertilize them, but I'm wondering if I can artificially "naturally" fertilize them. What I mean, is can I throw death crickets, hawkmoths, roaches, etc. into the pitchers to give it food? More over, should I? These...
  8. Hashtag ChamLife

    US [WTS] Red eyed crocodile skink $100

    Looking to move a red eyed crocodile skink out to make room for more chams and cham babies! Approximately 8-10 months old, believe it to be female. We bought it for my son who swore up and down he wanted this... and I've cared for it since day one. Eats crickets, BSFL, mealworms (rarely) and...
  9. Hashtag ChamLife

    Lygodactylus williamsi Decor

    I've been eyeing one of these guys for a while now. Gorgeous creatures. My other option was a gargoyle. The issue I was having was availability (from a reputable source) on the williamsi. Every time they came available I either missed them or just bought something else. This time however, my...
  10. Hashtag ChamLife

    Bromeliad "pup" question...

    As the title states, I need some help with my bromeliad pups. I've always had a thing for orchids and bromeliads, but always seem to kill them off in the cage. So now I just have lots of both and rotate them in and out until the finally die. Lately, I've started a "we'll see if this one comes...
  11. Hashtag ChamLife

    Successful worm breeding, now what?

    Recently I've been fed up with both local and online retailers. It seems like customer service doesn't matter to anyone because there's always another customer. My local shops don't have anything besides crickets and hornworms (which they split out of the typical cup to ensure you don't get any...
  12. Hashtag ChamLife


    So I had my boys outside this evening and as the sun started setting I took Demetri over by the grill so he could catch some more sun. I put him on the back of a chair and was messing with my dog. When I bent down I saw a smaller anole, a young juvenile. It was maybe 1.5" StV, another inch of...
  13. Hashtag ChamLife

    US ISO various Bugs (Florida)

    I find myself increasingly more interested in bugs these days and the market here is brutal. I have found a few online sources, but I'd rather not have to spend $200 on an unknown entity and end up getting shafted. Plus I much prefer to give my money to someone in the Chamily. So to the...
  14. Hashtag ChamLife

    Beetle ID

    So I found this little guy at work. He looked pretty cool so I decided to scoop him up. Anyone know anything about it? It was in a crepe myrtle, but that's all I know! Hopefully @SauceGandhi can ID it? You're my go to for grasshoppers! Thanks in advance!
  15. Hashtag ChamLife

    An empty enclosure

    A while back I bought one of those small sized exoTerra glass door enclosures with the intent of housing dart frogs or a Lygodactylus williamsi. When it came time to pick what I was going to put in it, I couldn't find "one or two" dart frogs that I wanted... and the williamsi are fairly hard to...
  16. Hashtag ChamLife

    US ISO Discoids [FOUND]

    Looking for discoids shipped or available within Florida. For sizing I'd prefer closer to medium or sub adults... but am not picky. I have all ages and sizes of eaters. [Discoids, green bananas, etc. are native and LEGAL] My local one local shop killed their colony and my other lost my...
  17. Hashtag ChamLife

    Anyone into stick bugs? [Two stripped walking stick]

    So my son the other day was telling my wife about this walking stick at school. I told him next time to call me, lol. Well, he did! I'm the proud owner of one Wild Caught Sexed [Mating] Pair of Anisomorpha buprestoides!! He said he saw a really big walking stick. I was hoping for a female as...
  18. Hashtag ChamLife

    A quick custom cage

    I've added a new luxury condo to the "office". 3/4 of the way there! This one turned out to be easier than I orginally had anticipated. This entertainment stand was free and within 10 minutes of my house. Its 2 of the towers with a bridge at the top. One or two of the shelves was a little...
  19. Hashtag ChamLife

    New addition to the Chamily

    Our newest resident! Baby amobilobe courtesy of Frank Payne [ ] Also courtesy of my wife... she saw it and "pressured" me into buying her. Hand model credit also goes to my wife. Worst part is I'm at work and all I get is blurry photos!!
  20. Hashtag ChamLife

    Question for bug-folk

    Every evening after sunset I go for a short walk to the field by my house and wrangle up some bugs. Katydids are the main focus, but i also collect the occasional horn worm, moth, cricket, carolina locusts, misc lubbers (I'm pretty much afraid of collecting these as a general rule), etc. [See...
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