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  1. M

    NEED help!! Extremely dehydrated Chameleon

    My friend recently rescued a chameleon she saw for sale online who looked like she needed a ton of help!! Sadly she nor I know anything about fixing a chameleon :// I give it to her for trying! So she gave me the female chameleon since I have some experience... But help is needed! I can't afford...
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    Pregnant Female Cham Just Fell from Branch

    Hi, I currently have pregnant panther chameleon that should be due to lay any day (bred on June 29th). Her daily meal consists of dusted dubias and hornworms and she's misted atleast twice a day. I've only had her for a month and a half (I bred her to my male though). I haven't noticed anything...
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    Add organic dirt to dubia roaches for humidity?

    I've had 3 male and 8 female dubia roaches along with about 20 nymphs for about a month or so and they are not breeding. They receive fresh organic fruits and veggies everyday along with water crystals. They also have a heat pad under the tank. Should I add an organic soil to the bottom of the...
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    A problem or just a lazy chameleon?

    my adult male panther chameleon I've had for a week sleeps on his branch without really holding on. Is this a problem?
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    Strange white spots

    I just received an adult male Ambilobe chameleon and l noticed he has 2 strange white spot. One on his right back knee and one on front left leg. It doesn't seem like part of his design. I'm just unsure of what it is.
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    Does my enclosure look good?

    i just got a new male panther chameleon and he has a 4ftx2ft cage. I put a large pothos and croton in it to give him his own little jungle. Did I put too much?
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    Irregular Shedding

    Esmeralda, my female veiled chameleon started shedding last night. But only part of her back leg and side are showing shed. Is she dehydrated? Her enclosure is misted 3x a day and she has a humidifier next to her 24/7. I attached a photo of her at the bottom. This is her today at 5:45pm and she...
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    Need Help with Dubia Roaches

    Ive had my roaches for about three weeks. I didn't start off with many, only 85( 5 adult pairs, 25 1/2, 25 3/4, 25 1/4). 3 of my male roaches have died, leaving 2, and there seems to be no reproduction. I feed them fresh fruit (sometimes with dog food) and water them with wet paper towels. There...
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    Looking For Good Enclosure Decor

    I'll be receiving to panther chameleons soon so I'm going to have to fill up 2 large cages (24"x48"). All the plants and branches,etc... for reptile enclosures seem pretty expensive in my opinion. I know I could use a live plant but their just kind of pain (I have one in my current chameleon's...
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    Question about 'Chameleon Company'

    I recently found the website and it almost seems too good to be true. I'm currently searching for a (ambilobe or ambanja) panther breeding pair and I'm considering ordering from this website if it's true. Has anyone purchased from this site recently or heard any recent good...
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    Want to start breeding chameleons

    I want to start breeding panther chameleons. This is something I've never done before but i want to make sure I know everything about breeding. Don't worry I'm not going to try anything thing before I feel like I'm a pro. Does anyone have any tips or even want to mentor me through this process...
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    Breeding? Bugs for food

    I have a chameleon and a baby bearded dragon that I feed crickets right now. Our pet store is really expensive and the crickets die fast so I have to buy crickets every 2 days. I want to save some money and I thought having my own bugs would help. What would be a good insect that's not too...
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    Chameleon ate ivy leaves

    Hello my juevenile veiled chameleon took some bites out of her ivy plant in her enclosure. I was unaware that ivies are toxic to chameleons and I feel horrible. Esmeralda (my chameleon) has been acting normal though. She's eats and drinks without any problem. And I've seen fresh waste. Is the...
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    just need inspiration for a project

    Hi, so my class has been assigned to document a behavior of an animal or human and then write a lab report. i decided to use my chameleon as my subject, are they are specific behaviors a chameleon can preform that would be interesting enough to study?
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    New Chameleon Owner- Need Help Please

    So I finally ordered a baby female veiled chameleon (from after wanting one for a couple of years. I researched a lot and made sure I'd ordered all the supplies before choosing to buy my chameleon. When I ordered the chameleon, I also ordered the cage and food (live...
  16. M

    New Chameleon Owner- Need Some Help

    So I finally ordered a baby female veiled chameleon (from after wanting one for a couple of years. I researched a lot and made sure I'd ordered all the supplies before choosing to buy my chameleon. When I ordered the chameleon, I also ordered the cage and food (live...
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