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  1. jebronlames

    Jackson fell, what should I be looking for/worrying about?

    Clovis fell about 30 inches, and glanced off of a piece of grape wood toward the bottom. My fault, I was adding a new vine for him and I shook his branch by accident. I feel so bad. He froze on the bottom and turned super dark. I tried to get my fingers under him after a bit, because there were...
  2. jebronlames


    Thank you all for your help with my various husbandry questions. Here is Clovis--we're through week one and he seems to be a pretty happy lizard.
  3. jebronlames

    Small Black Spot on Side of Young Jackson

    Good evening, Found a tiny black spot on the side of my young Jackson. He's about 6-7in TL, to give perspective for how small the spot in the picture actually is. He started to go dark when I got my phone close (he's only been with me for two days), but when he's calm it really stands out...
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