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  1. C

    Weekend Photos of the Chameleons

    Awsome chameleons !!! Super jealous! WOW amazing btw your chameons are beautiful. Spike reminds me of my veild such a hunk.
  2. C

    How do you guys interact or bond with your chameleon?

    Vey true streasing them out might also get then even more angry and can lead to death
  3. C


    also try grapes banana and cooked carrot my veild loves all em. Hope it helps good luck :)
  4. C


    also try grapes banana and cooked carrot my veild loves all em. Hope it helps good luck :)
  5. C

    Chameleon refuses new foods

    Try wiggling some half cut grapes near his face ,i had the same problem but eventually he started liking fruits and even vegetables! Just takes time also i recomed puting small fruit in his feeder so tat he thinks it aan insect . Good luck :)
  6. C

    How do you guys interact or bond with your chameleon?

    My chamelon always seem to be in a very good mood when ever i open his cage he leaps on to my arm.had feedinng works best! He will have trust in u to hold him but dknt think holding chamelons everyday is normal you also have to give them there space so that they dont become stressed:p
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  8. 1413932178459


  9. free range

    free range

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