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  1. L

    Sleeping Beauty's. Let's see yours!

    Randal at 10 months in his pj's
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    Just your basking bulb and uv will be ok the plant will do fine
  3. L

    Official Enclosure Picture Thread #2 - post your pics!

    my two setups My boy randal in his xl reptibreeze and my girl ruby in her temporary setup
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    My chameleon has such personality

    my veiled goes crazy to get out even when im trying to hand feed he just wants to walk up my arm to escape so i picked him up a ficus to play in when hes out he loves it
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    At what age do VC start getting their adult colors

    randall at roughly 4 months
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    Show me your veileds!! :)

    randall at 3 1/2 months
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    Help please! Nervous red-bar chameleon; can't tame. happy but won't come out of cage!

    ive had my veiled for 3 weeks now he was super shy allways ducking for cover and pretending to be a leaf when i approached after 2 weeks i persuaded him to take waxworms from the palm of my hand but would still run if i got too close, i brought a ficus a few days ago placed it outside his cage...
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