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    Weight of a full grown male panther?

    Hi everybody I was just wondering what would be a healthy weight range for a full grown male panther? I've been seeing quite a wide range of results which confused me quite abit. Any input is appreciated!
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    Placement of cage?

    I was wondering if seeing to much of the natural habitat would cause my cham to constantly want out? He seems to be wanting out of his cage half the time and is always staring at the trees out there. Should I just move him indoors cause the trees out there are just causing too much of a...
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    My panther has stopped eating for awhile now

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Nosybe panther, male approximately 1 year old. I've had him for about 3months or so now. Handling - Not at all really, possibly once a week. Feeding - He only eats supers, I think the previous owner fed him only supers. I've tried offering crickets n dubias, has...
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    How to differentiate nosybe and faly

    So as the title writes how does one differentiate a nosybe for a faly? I always thought it was the red rain and/or the yellow lips but I've seen some pics that's been giving me conflicting ideas. Would someone enlighten me?
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    Cham always on the floor

    Hi everyone so I have a question here because I can't find a probable reason for his behaviour. I have a nosybe which I aqquired approximately 2 months ago and he spends most of his time walking on the cage floor and occasionally clawing at the cage. He eats well drinks well and has proper...
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    My schefflera is DYING!!!?? Argh

    Why oh why is my schefflera plant dying? It's leaves start by having a small brown patch and subsequently the leaf just falls of, and it's slowly but surely making the plant look bare. Could it be due to the uv lights not being strog enough to penetrate through 4 feet of cage and leaves? Or had...
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    Veiled vs panther cage size

    Just wondering since veileds grow sorta larger than panthers, will they need a 2x2x4 too or can they do as well in a cage slightly smaller than that?
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    And SO my nosybe has arrived!!! :D:D

    He's one hell of a beauty
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    Is only natural sunlight sufficient?

    I'm thinking about moving my Cham enclosure to my balcony where there is constant sunlight throughout the day where only part of the enclosure gets it, (so the Cham wanting to find a cool spot won't be a problem). I'm wondering if just the sunlight would b sufficient or would it be better to...
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    How does my enclosure look?! :))

    So I finally got my 24x24x48 zoo-med cage after a long wait as no one ships to the area where I reside in. It's been a long but well worth wait! Here's how my enclosure looks like any comments would be appreciated! Thanks!
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    Hunger strike!!!

    And so my veiled, mr chameleon, around 8-9mths old only snaps up 1 or 3 crickets if I'm lucky, but once the chameleon crack appears 'teh superworms' he instantly snaps them up. So I know he's not eating crickets cus he's unwell or anything but I'm totally stopping the supers for now, and I'm...
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    What is considered skinny- 'unhealthy'

    Hello everyone! I've got a rather curious question, how skinny is considered skinny for a Cham? I've got a veiled and he's healthy is every possible way, but occasionally he does show some ribs. That's when he gets angry n such and starts to 'flatten' out to make himself bigger. Is this normal...
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    Curious question I got

    Hey everybody I have a rather curious question. Something I've kinda noticed but not read up much about. Does a chameleons eye sink in when it's stressed or scared? Cus my chams eyes look perfectly fine until I decide to put him back in his cage after his free ranging. His eye turrets sink in...
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    Update on Mr Chameleon!

    Hey everybodeh! It's been about 2months since I've had Mr Chameleon my veiled and its crazy when u see their transformation from a veil-less to a veiled Cham! And he's recently been to the vet for an abscess on his toe which has since been drained and healed nicely! Here are some photos for your...
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    'Boil' on chams toe.

    Hey everyone. I was just wondering if it is viable to self recify the problem by bursting it and treating it with saline after? Anyone had experience doing that before?
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    What's happening to his toe?!

    Hi everyone! My chameleon,mr chameleon had a bad shed which left some shed on one of his toe nails, eventually the toe nail turned brown and fell of on its own and all was well. His toe looked normal for that matter just without a nail, but recently it kinda grew in size so I'm wondering if...
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    Brownish toe due to shed

    Hi everyone. My male veiled just finished his shed a couple days ago and one of his toes is turning into a light brown/ greyish colour. I'm pretty certain it's due to a bad shed, I've tried using a q tip to rub it off but somehow nothing is coming off. I was just wondering if it would clear the...
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    My chams awesome eating habits!

    Hello everybodeh! I just had to share the awesomely cute eating habits of my cham Mr Chameleon. After snapping up 1 cricket he always goes to the basking spot for 5 minutes and back to the feeding station, back and forth till there's nothing left! It's just simply so cool to observe :D anyone...
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    Is this a sign/start of mouthrot?

    Hey everyone. My Cham has just completed his shed so I'm not sure if these are possibly new coloration or a sign of up coming mouth rot. He's doing perfect, nothing wrong with him apart from me worrying if it might be mouth rot. Here's a pic, any comments are appreciated! :)...
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    Dubia in Singapore? Anyone?

    Hi guys. I was just wondering if anyone on the forum's from Singapore and has some dubias to sell? It's so frustrating to be unable to find a variety of feeders in SG. :mad: pm me if u do!
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