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  1. Bradypod

    Bradypodion pumilum... babies everywhere!

    The weather was better for photography today.
  2. Bradypod

    New life

    Juvenile Bradypodion pumilum
  3. Bradypod

    Tiny Tot

    Bradypodion pumilum, two days old.
  4. Bradypod

    Hello there!

    Mom just before giving birth.
  5. Bradypod

    New life in Africa!

    The Southwestern Cape Province of South Africa is bursting with spring life. I have counted thirteen juvenile Bradypodion pumilum, no more than two days old, just in the bushes around my camp area.
  6. Bradypod

    Bradypodion pumilum... young mother

    Looking forward to posting photos of the newborns when they arrive.
  7. Bradypod

    Bradypodion pumilum adult male

  8. Bradypod

  9. Bradypod

    Bradypodion pumilum juvenile

    Born this year and growing fast!
  10. Bradypod

    Reunited with an old friend

    Above, the photo of the juvenile Brodypodion pumilum female in my albums taken last year. On returning to Cape Town, I have taken the photo below after one year. She never left her creeper. Quite remarkable growth!
  11. Bradypod


    Chamaeleo namaquensis catching lunch in the Namib Desert.
  12. Bradypod

    Chamaeleo namaquensis

    Juvenile Chamaeleo namaquensis A juvenile Chamaeleo namaquensis, a few months old, taken in the Namibian desert.
  13. Bradypod

    Chamaeleo namaquensis

    Taken by a friend a few days ago in Namibia. Apologies for the quality of this puny little thumbnail. I am hoping to get some original high resolution shots of Namibian chameleons soon.
  14. Bradypod

    The search continues

    There still seems to be large areas in South Africa with suitable habitat but no sign of chameleons. My search in the Stilbaai area of the Southern Cape continues...
  15. Bradypod


    Hi all, on my way to the Southern Cape Province of South Africa. New pics soon I hope.
  16. Bradypod


    Watermark or not? I've just found two of my photos for sale on the internet. I can think of no other alternative than to watermark my pics as from now. :( Please PM me if you ever need a copy of the original for own use.
  17. Bradypod

    The big guy pay's a visit

    The big guy pays a visit! Bradypodion pumilum (Cape Dwarf chameleon) Adult male. The unpleasant day in the wind paid off in the end :D A very healthy specimen that I did not disturb. In fact he's not even looking at the camera!
  18. Bradypod

    Latest find

    Juvenile Bradypodion pumilum just found in the garden.
  19. Bradypod

    Wild Lady

    Adult wild female Bradypodion pumilum Taken 5 mins ago on small tree. Fish Hoek, Cape Town.
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