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  1. nickc

    New Amphibian

    pacmans are a good beginner but they dont really do much besides bury themselves and eat red eyes are pretty good too, waxy monkeys require hotter temps/ low humidity whites tree frog are considered one of the best beginner frogs im personally a big fan of african bullfrog but just to...
  2. nickc

    Ready for bed early?

    If hes in the sleeping position but not actually sleeping, its perfectly fine. My chameleon goes to his spot about an hour early every day
  3. nickc

    Where to find locusts?

    Well, I live in New Jersey so i guess thats not happening ha. What about grasshoppers?
  4. nickc

    Where to find locusts?

    Anybody know of some good places to buy locusts online?
  5. nickc

    Nuts and Seeds

    definitely gona look into using this in my gutloads
  6. nickc

    Not Basking?

    I recently changed around the layout of my veiled's cage and changed the area of his basking spot. I have yet to see him go up to bask yet. Is this normal? Is he still adjusting to the new layout?
  7. nickc

    Enclosure size okay?

    Yup that would be a great size, more than enough room
  8. nickc


    Definitely around the $70-80 range
  9. nickc

    My New Dog

    Dakota: Just rescued him about a month ago. 1 1/2 yr old. Not really sure what kind of mix he is though.
  10. nickc

    Changed Up the Enclosure *PICS*

    Was cleaning out my veiled's cage today and decided to change a few things. Bought a new ficus tree to replace the old dead one. I then took the braided trunk of the dead tree and wired it to the cage to create a new basking perch. What do you guys think?
  11. nickc

    Vacation Advice

    Im leaving for mexico tomorrow night and wont be back for 6 days. My chameleon is about a year old so his feeding has down. I plan on leaving a bowl with superworms in the enclosure. The lights are on a 12 hr timer as well as a mist king which operates at 4 different times a day...
  12. nickc

    Reptile Super Show Video

    dope video nice shots!
  13. nickc

    Funny video: Chameleon meets Frog

    haha i dont think my chameleon wants any part of my frog. Hes already a lil beast at only 2-3 months old and has a whole lot more growing to do (they commonly reach 7-9inches in length :D)
  14. nickc

    A nice place to get a new cage?

    check out, their products are usually alot cheaper than retail. I purchased the biggest reptibreeze cage for less than 90 dollars
  15. nickc

    funny moments

    I posted this video earlier but it happens to be a funny moment. My chameleon and african bullfrog meeting for the first time lol
  16. nickc

    Funny video: Chameleon meets Frog

    Heres a video that I found funny. Today I had to upgrade my african bullfrog to a bigger enclosure which was next to my veiled's cage. This is what happened when they first met. Dont worry I put a piece of paper on that side of the frogs cage so they wont see each other and bug out anymore...
  17. nickc

    Superworm colony gone wrong!

    My superworm colony has fallen under attack by what I am assuming to be flour or grain mites (very very small translucent/white roundish insects?) Ive also noticed they are in my chameleon and frog enclosures Has anybody encountered this problem? If so, what is the best way for getting rid...
  18. nickc

    Chameleon Growth Rate

    Thanks for the replies
  19. nickc

    Chameleon Growth Rate

    anyone have any ideas???
  20. nickc

    Mouth Issues and Lethargic Behavior

    Oh na I was just restating what the poster above me said haha
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