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  1. Z

    Various lizards available

    I don't post here very much as I don't keep chameleons, but I do enjoy reading/researching them. With that said, I keep a number of frogs and have kept a few different other lizards/geckos in the past. I have a few extra animals available for those interested: 1.0 Anolis porcus ~18 months...
  2. Z

    How many people are actively keeping and breeding pygmy chameleons?

    I haven't been around that long, but I've noticed that most of the pygmy species that have been offered in the classifieds or mentioned in other threads are the result of WC imports. I was wondering how many people are working to produce CB offspring and if there were any active breeding...
  3. Z

    Moist Sphagnum Moss for Substrate Layer?

    I understand pygmys need to dig a tunnel in order to lay eggs. I've seen many people mention using peat/coco peat as the substrate layer, but in my experience, that seems to stick to whatever I'm housing. I was wondering if a layer of sphag covered by live oak leaf litter (all of this on top of...
  4. Z

    A few frogs

    I thought I'd share a few photos of some of the frogs I keep. I'll keep adding to this thread as I have time to post more pictures. Oophaga pumilio "BriBri" froglet peaking out of a brom Dendrobates leucomelas Ameerega altamazonica in mid-call
  5. Z

    Pygmy feeder options

    I've been researching the keeping of pygmy species and am wondering if crickets are absolutely necessary as the main diet. I currently produce two species of springtail, three species of isopods, and D. melanogaster. I can also easily begin culturing D. hydei as well. Do you think that is...
  6. Z

    Introduction...Hi everyone!

    Hi all, I just wanted to stop by and say hello since I just joined the site. I'm a college student majoring in Conservation Biology. I hope to eventually work in herp conservation of some sort, but I'll be happy with any job in a relevant field once I graduate. I don't currently keep any...
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