Possible to Overfeed Chameleons?


New Member
How much is too much when it comes to feedings? I have a 3 month old chameleon, and his appetite is insane.

Today he ate 10 cirx in less than 5 mins, they were about 1/2" long. He looked really fat for a few hours, I am wondering if I fed him too much at once?

Also, how many hours before I shut the lights off can he eat? Say I feed him a afternoon snack, a mealworm or two, can I shut the lights off at 7pm still?
At three months I don't worry too much about over feeding essecially with a male. At somewhere between 6 to 8 months you'll want to go to feeding him every other day.
At three months I don't worry too much about over feeding essecially with a male. At somewhere between 6 to 8 months you'll want to go to feeding him every other day.

Sounds good! I will keep feeding him 10-15 of these each day for now, I am going to split up his feedings into 2 parts for a while to see how he does.
Its good to know he is eating alot, you little guy is gonna be stacking alot of extra weight in the next few months :)
My rule of thumb for chameleons under 6 months is let them eat as much as they want / can within 5 minutes, two or three times a day. I like them to have a good hour or three between last meal and lights out.
typically a 3 month old is eating small crickets - its not a great idea to give them overly large prey
typically a 3 month old is eating small crickets - its not a great idea to give them overly large prey

here is where I have questions...what's too large? What happens if you give them too large of prey? I have been feeding FF, crickets up to 3 weeks, silk, horn, phoenix, small supers. My baby is going to be 3 mo next week and he doesn't seem to have any problems with what I have been giving him and i have been trying to give him all the smaller stuff but things grow...and fast:eek: I have been using the guide of distance btw eyes for crickets and the length of the his head for the worms. But I don't want to give him problems. Today he finished a shed and ate 5 crickets, 4-5 FF, and 2 each of horns and silks...:eek:
He has no problem eating medium sized crix, they're no larger than his mouth and a few chomps and it's gone.

Today he ate 10 in 5 mins in the morning, and then another 6 in the afternoon.
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