People or pet bee pollen?


Avid Member
I've been buying bee pollen for human consumption for my gutload but I just recently found out they have a pet bee pollen. It's waaaaay cheaper but it has crushed bee bodies in it and it's not as 'clean' as the people stuff. Can I just get that or is that not a good idea? A pound of the stuff is only 7 bucks, but it's almost 30 for a pound of people bee pollen.
as long as it doesnt have any fillers (sand for example) I would go for the pet and the bee bodies shouldnt harm the feeders
$10 lb human food grade bee pollen

what on earth would you do with a lb of bee pollen? i paid $5 for a 1/2lb (food grade) on ebay (plus shipping) 2 years later i still have over 50% left. i figure a 1/2 lb is enough for about a million bbfs or at a 10% ratio (which seems like a lot to me) enough for 5lbs of gutload. since cham have sensitive tounges and digestive systems, i would be (no pun intended) little wary of pet grade pollen (stingers?) or if thats not enough you can get 5lbs for $40 jmo / edit a couple of years back hawaii dept of natural resource made note of a die off of a larger than usual percentage of adult jacksons, it was noted that most of these jacksons resided in the orchards, while the rest of the population was thriving , it was concluded that eating the bees in the orchard was the likely culprit. if i can find the link again i will post it . jmo
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Okay, I'll stick to people stuff then. :) I buy enough for my friendsand me and sometimes I make gutloads for them when they want it.
Okay, I'll stick to people stuff then. :) I buy enough for my friendsand me and sometimes I make gutloads for them when they want it.

You make gutload for your friends? Do you dust their meals too ? I hope you make it taste good at least. :D:p
how much bee pollen do you usually put in your gutload
(I am trying to make a gutloading recipe)

I dont think the stingers will affect the chameleon unless you give the chameleon the bee pollen instead of the feeders
how much bee pollen do you usually put in your gutload
(I am trying to make a gutloading recipe)

I dont think the stingers will affect the chameleon unless you give the chameleon the bee pollen instead of the feeders

Why would there be stingers in bee pollen?
I've been buying bee pollen for human consumption for my gutload but I just recently found out they have a pet bee pollen. It's waaaaay cheaper but it has crushed bee bodies in it and it's not as 'clean' as the people stuff. Can I just get that or is that not a good idea? A pound of the stuff is only 7 bucks, but it's almost 30 for a pound of people bee pollen.

I am not familiar with bee pollen
but this is what she says about it

so do you think it would be ok to feed??
I guess it depends on how much I make. I usually just throw in a tablespoon or two for about 1 pound of gutload (both wet and dry blended together.)
Speaking of bees. I never fed one to a chameleon before but a bee once got into an enclosure I had outside with some giant day geckos in it and they knew exactly what to do with it. Was fascinating- to see them stalk it and bite it just so, so the stinger couldn't get the lizard. Careful and fast biting and not just gobbling it up- but snap and release, snap and release and then careful munching. Unlike any other insects I saw a lizard eat. I don't recommend doing it for fun, but that was amazing to see when it happened on accident.
just for the record

I guess it depends on how much I make. I usually just throw in a tablespoon or two for about 1 pound of gutload (both wet and dry blended together.)
actually i was suprized to see how much bee pollen actually weighed. i suppose it would vary slightly according to type and source of bee pollen , but the pollen i have weighs approx 10.5g per tablespoon. so, at two tablespoons per pound of gutload, that would be enough to make approx 20lbs of gutload.
We go through a lot of gutload :) lots of roaches to feed and crickets to gutload. I usually buy less than a pound, it was just for referance.
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