Recent content by xVashtaNeradax

  1. xVashtaNeradax

    weird bug in with petco crickets

    I went to feed N'kulu some crickets I bought for him yesterday and when I tapped them out a long wriggle "worm bug" fell out with them. It looks very similar to a "calci-worm" except it is longer, thinner, and black instead of white. I would post a picture but it is currently covered in...
  2. xVashtaNeradax

    hanging pothos

    You could also buy a Magnaturals planter. I bought a small one for my chameleon's cage and though it was larger than I imagined it would be, my pothos is thriving in it. My baby panther loves the way it's suspended and enjoys hanging out in the leaves. My cage is all screen and the planter is...
  3. xVashtaNeradax

    Chams eyes closed and not eating

    So you have TWO uvb bulbs? The linear tube light is all you need, those compacts cause eye problems. Get rid of it.
  4. xVashtaNeradax

    need help on locale decision

    Once N'kulu is grown, I plan on getting a sambava or a nosy be..I've got my eye on the sires I want from the Kammers and am keeping my fingers crossed that sooner or later one will have a clutch :D I love Nosy Falys too though, they remind me of peppermints, but I can't find a place that has...
  5. xVashtaNeradax

    weather question

    Have you ever free ranged him outside before? Is it an adult or a baby? An adult would be fine I would think as long as it has a place to get into some solid shade...a baby I'm not so sure. I'd be concerned about it wandering away though, are you just gonna place the cage outside? Edit...
  6. Chillin' in the Sun..

    Chillin' in the Sun..

  7. Puffing up a little..

    Puffing up a little..

  8. N'kulu


    My First Chameleon
  9. xVashtaNeradax

    need help on locale decision

    I would go with either a Sambava or an Ambilobe. Montezuma is an amazing sire and they have his babies up right now. They also have new ambilobe sires that have babies up right now as well, go back and check their site, it's updating a lot lately.
  10. xVashtaNeradax

    Help!! Where to buy pinhead crickets in Los Angeles, CA!

    Any pet store should have pin-heads I would think. Petco (at least here in Kansas and if you have one close to you) has two options for pin-heads, their "carry-out" cricket brand and generally in the back. Just go in and ask if they have "small" crickets, they'll either tell you yes we do, or no...
  11. xVashtaNeradax

    what kind of plant is this

    Looks like a species of Honeysuckle. Edit: Hrm, okay, well hopefully someone on here will know :)
  12. xVashtaNeradax

    Losing an adult panther?

    Get rid of the waterfall and get a dripper. Waterfalls are perfect breeding grounds for bacteria.
  13. xVashtaNeradax

    Weird "wart growth" on head

    Your picture won't load I get a "page not found" error. EDIT: Nevermind, my computer is being a dork. Is it hard or soft to the touch? I almost looks like a calcium deposit...
  14. xVashtaNeradax

    whats it mean when cham puffs up?

    N'kulu will do that every once in awhile, generally right before feeding time. I think it's his "Woman, I'm hungry! I demand you cater to me at once!" face at this point. :P I wouldn't worry too much about it, unless he's black, then he might be very disturbed by something.
  15. xVashtaNeradax

    I need a cage and the accesorries!!! HELP!!

    Agreed. I would say, total cost of everything I bought to make sure my cham would arrive and stay in perfect health was about 700 dollars, that includes feeders, live plants, and a chameleon that was from a proven breeder, not a pet store. I saved another $550 for emergencies and continue to...
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