Recent content by Nosyfaly

  1. Nosyfaly

    Nosy Faly Panther

    My guy has gotten really big ! Haven't been on much but wanted to post a picture and get some input. I've purchased a hornworm and wanted to know if anyone has fed them as a snack before
  2. Nosyfaly

    Veiled help Please

    What a good lookin veild!!!! Welcome Gomez :)
  3. Nosyfaly

    I've died and gone to heaven

    I have a male panther who is a lot but grumpy. It breaks my heart but I'm looking forward to my next Cham so I can have a best friend and have mr. Grumpy pants . Awesome read, thanks for sharing and I would love to see pics of the jacksons
  4. Nosyfaly

    Nosy Faly Panther

    Thanks ! This picture was taken right before he bit the crap out of me. But isnt he looking snazzy?!?! Lol. He is still weary of me but he gave me a chance today and i think i made progress
  5. Nosyfaly

    Nosy Faly Panther

    Here he is
  6. Nosyfaly

    Nosy Faly Panther

    Just an update. Jinx ate his first cricket out of my hand today. This is exciting. I feel like progress is being made !
  7. Nosyfaly


    Wow. It didnt post half of my writing lol. He didnt seem to move. I did it once just cause i havent seen my little guy all day. I forsure dont want to stress him out. He usually hisses back so when i got no reaction i wanted to get opinions
  8. Nosyfaly


    Are chameleons heavy sleepers ? I have a new faly that (im sure you've heard me rant about his agressiveness) is sleeping and when im trying new methods of getting close to him. I decide to try to give his ribs a rub
  9. Nosyfaly

    extra basking time

    Hey guys, I am pretty new to the site and everyone has been awesome with advice so i will keep the questions comming. My little guy jinx at first seemed to be a sleeper. However the past few nights ive caught him roaming around with the lights off. So i turn his set back on and he gets back up...
  10. Nosyfaly

    Panther subadult sex?

    Female for sure
  11. Nosyfaly

    nosy faly

    My guy is super aggressive... im upset because hes so hateful, so young. Does my guy look.a little small then if yours is only 6 months ? Mine is about the size of my thumb to index finger
  12. Nosyfaly

    nosy faly

    What is the age of yours ? And how is his attitude ?
  13. Nosyfaly

    nosy faly

    I want to be absolute 100% that this is a nosy faly. I am new to the website, and after looking at everyones pictures im not so sure and would like some imput. I read somewhere that the faly has red rain and i see some red spots on his belly but im not sure. He sleeps a white/orange and the...
  14. Nosyfaly

    Need advice ASAP

    They are just some artificial plants and a bend it log. Im currently building a custom cage that ill have live vegitation in but ita all i could get my hands on atm
  15. Nosyfaly

    Little Miss Rosie

    Hey all, i have a Rose hair tarantula names Rosie. I have some questions if anyone else has any spiders !! My big girl hasnt been eating recently and has started to worry me. I've had her almost 2 years and this is the longest its been. Have you ever had one just stop eating the food because she...
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