Recent content by maddiface123

  1. M

    Not laying eggs!!!!

    also what about misting i dont have an auto i mist while she is covered???
  2. M

    Not laying eggs!!!!

    carrots potato kayle and what not
  3. M

    My Chameleon doesnt Like her Egg Bin?????

    thats a really good point ill for sure try that thank you so very much
  4. M

    Not laying eggs!!!!

    Your Chameleon - panther, female, about 8 months . 2 months Handling - 3 times weekly Feeding -what ever she will eat she is super picky? as many as she will eat any where from 3-6 crickets hornd worms wax worms or super worms. every morning around 10am. Supplements -the one with d3 dont...
  5. M

    My Chameleon doesnt Like her Egg Bin?????

    we got her a new tub she still doesnt like it and still isnt laying her eggs we even got a brighter bulb the basking temp is not 87 not making much of a not sure what to do shes still big and round but not bright pink anymore shes more grey now DX
  6. M

    My Chameleon doesnt Like her Egg Bin?????

    does it have to be deep???
  7. M

    My Chameleon doesnt Like her Egg Bin?????

    thats a super good idea ill do that when i get home ty ty
  8. M

    My Chameleon doesnt Like her Egg Bin?????

    My panther is trying to find a spot to lay her eggs swollen belly and always going to the bottom of the cage to try to find a spot. so we filled a bucket with play sand and some organic dirt. but she keeps going down to the bottom of the cage below the opening of the bucket. she does not like...
  9. Photo 9

    Photo 9

  10. M

    Other Reptile Species?

    in addition to rango ( panther chameleon) we have 2 leopard geckos and 1 Tokay gecko :):cool:
  11. M

    6 month panther not laying eggs!!!

    awesome thank you guys XD
  12. M

    New panther not eating

    mine didnt eat for a couple days either give him time
  13. M

    6 month panther not laying eggs!!!

    shes a 6 month old panther and good lol im glad im not doing anything wrong
  14. M

    6 month panther not laying eggs!!!

    this is another one
  15. M

    6 month panther not laying eggs!!!

    no? think that is just her normal colors? shes our fist chameleon.
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