Recent content by joshbert

  1. J

    Is the 10.0 reptisun ok for my cage?

    iam in Charlotte, North Carolina
  2. J

    Is the 10.0 reptisun ok for my cage?

    Would 2 10.0 reptisun and 1 160 watt mercury vapor bulb be sufficient?
  3. J

    Is the 10.0 reptisun ok for my cage?

    This is my cage. My panther is about 6 months old. I just moved him from his smaller cage.
  4. J

    Is the 10.0 reptisun ok for my cage?

    My cage is 3x3x8. I currently have 2 18'' 5.0s. It doesn't seem like the UV rays are penetrating far enough into the cage. Should I switch them for 10.0s?
  5. J

    Is he ready to move to a larger cage?

    The cage he is in right now is 16 by 18by 20. I already have the full size cage set up.
  6. J

    Is he ready to move to a larger cage?

    My Amilobe is about 5 1/2 months old. His body is about 5'' without including the tail. He has no problem free range and cup feeding (I am only cup feeding currently). Every time I go to open the cage he tries to escape. How much longer should I wait?:)
  7. J

    Looking to upgrade

    Hey, thats my cage! I could send you the list of supplies if you want. Its so cool to see that my cage idea is being looked at!
  8. J

    Which are easier to breed?

    How large do Dubais get?
  9. J

    Which are easier to breed?

    Which should I use?
  10. J

    SilkWorms 101

    How would they compare to roaches? I am trying to decide which of the three to start out with.
  11. J

    Which are easier to breed?

    Are dubai roaches the same as hissing roaches?
  12. J

    Which are easier to breed?

    Which are easier to breed? crickets roaches silk worms
  13. J

    SilkWorms 101

    How do silk worms compare in eases of care to crickets?
  14. J

    Can Chameleons hear?

    This is a stupid question, but can chameleons hear?
  15. J

    Pics of my new panther!

    I am guessing Screameleons already sent you this pic but, if they haven't, here is a pic of my guys older bro. Screameleons has the best service I have ever seen!
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