Recent content by jonpat83

  1. jonpat83

    is this plant safe?

    I looked on Bluebeast reptiles safe plants list and the Jade plant (Crassula argentea) is listed as safe, I would think that a large cham would probably snap the stems though.
  2. jonpat83

    Possible new plant for using?

    I decided to start with seeds so that I could have lots of plants then they could get regularly swapped and rested from the chams. I have also planted dandelion, collards, chicory, mustard and endive which I am going to put into mixed pots and grow them in the chams enclosures. Some of my chams...
  3. jonpat83

    Possible new plant for using?

    Here is some info I found which definately sounds good. 'Native originally to the Himalayan foothills of northern India, the horseradish tree can be found widely planted throughout the tropical areas of the world. Nutritionally, ounce for ounce, powdered Moringa leaves have seven times the...
  4. jonpat83

    Possible new plant for using?

    I've ordered seeds and shall give them a go and let you all know. I hope they do well because they are quite ferny looking and also flower nicely. The guy I heard about them from grows 2 in his conservatory just as display plants so I think they should do ok indoors, fingers crossed!
  5. jonpat83

    American Grasshopper

    I live in the UK and we have locusts available as livefoods from all the suppliers, i'm not sure what exact species they are but they are listed as Schistocerca sp. They are excellent feeders and will eat copious amounts of dandelion, collard, mustard greens and basically any other leafy green...
  6. jonpat83

    Possible new plant for using?

    Has anyone tried using Moringa oleifera? I do not know it's common name or even if it has one but I was reading about it yesterday and it's leaves are edible and highly nutritious for humans, it is even being tried out to combat malnutrition in some parts of Africa. The average analysis per...
  7. jonpat83

    bell peppers?

    Just wondered are the leaves of peppers safe as a gutload or in the chameleons enclosure?
  8. jonpat83

    Transbald Calyptratus (Veiled chameleon)

    Just wanted to say about the inheritance from the parents. I have just hatched a clutch of Transbald babies, their mother has a tiny patch of white on both her back feet but basically looks normal. The father is completely normal and unrelated and the babies are a great mixture. 8 of them look...
  9. jonpat83

    Though it was a he, but showing Gravid ?

    My Nosy boy took 8 months to get really blue and now at 11 months is still coloring up. For a while he was grayish or sometimes even a soft pinkish brown but the color slowly crept in with each moult. Wait a couple of months and he will look totally different. P.s I dont think yours is a...
  10. jonpat83

    Roaches in the U.K

    Try they have dubia roaches for sale as starter coloneys at all different sizes and they also sell tubs of them as livefood. I would start out with at least 50 adults aswell as various other sized ones too, this way you can expect lots of babies soon and it wont take as long...
  11. jonpat83

    Feeders in the U.K

    You should really get an ebay account as they are easy to set up and there is loads of people selling starter cultures of various roach species, thats how I got my roaches and now I am starting to feed off the cultures a little. Another few months and they should keep me going completely. Also...
  12. jonpat83


    funny thing is the leopard tortoise is called Geochelone pardalis but its a leopard tortoise not panther?!
  13. jonpat83

    Update on camilla

    I'm really excited for you! Not long to wait now and she sounds like she is doing well, tomorrow could be the day! Fingers crossed for you :D
  14. jonpat83


    I would be carefull even in hay fields as I live on a farm and we do use fertilizers on the hay fields, although they are safe for cattle and sheep the could be dangerous for reptiles. Also several herbicides are commonly used on hay and could cause damage too. If you do catch some you should...
  15. jonpat83

    Update on camilla

    She may have been testing the moisture level in the sand, I dont know if this is how they do it but mine did that too and it did her no harm and I just guessed thats what she was doing.
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