Recent content by Gixxerdude

  1. Gixxerdude

    What to use on the bottom of the cage?

    **Off Topic** Wanted to leave a general rule when it comes to prostitutes.. 1. NO KISSING!!!!!!!! You don't know where that mouth has been.. **Back on Topic now**
  2. Gixxerdude

    Adopted a female in poor health last night... "help"

    Hey man you did a really good thing taking that chameleon in.. +1
  3. Gixxerdude

    New Cage

    I am surpised more people have not done it, while looking at pre-made cages they always offered 2-3 sizes, i would just order the medium to large cage and section it off, no diffferent then what you do with a puppy crate for crate training. You don't buy a bigger crate you just move/remove the...
  4. Gixxerdude

    He likes my Hair?!?!

    That trick works on me also! :)
  5. Gixxerdude

    Here we go again....

    aww wicked cute.. Thanks for posting, I have never seen babys like that :)
  6. Gixxerdude

    Chameleons from the classified section

    Thats a good I will have to see if they have expos like that here in Connecticut, with the frost and even ice in the morning i think it might be to cold for those shows here already, but that is an excellent idea :) Thank you,
  7. Gixxerdude

    Chameleons from the classified section

    THanks again for the replys.. Having the money for food and vet bills is not an issue.. Instead of just ordering everything up and swipping my debit card like i always do, I wanted to put money aside for all the start up costs (which includes the first round of food). The continued...
  8. Gixxerdude

    Chameleons from the classified section

    Thanks for the reply's and the welcome so far!! Maybe that is what I was missing was the type of chameleon, I am not stuck on one type, so long as it is one of the breeds that is more on the sturdy side, which both veiled and panthers tend to be. In my early teens I raised 2 iguanas to full...
  9. Gixxerdude

    Chameleons from the classified section

    Hey everyone, first off I want to see nice forum! I help run a forum for motorcycle riders and know the work it takes to bring the type of memebers onto the boards that will give good information with out much BS slinging and from all the threads I have read today, you have a very nice member...
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