joining the 21st century

little leaf

Avid Member
well, I had to get a new phone- my old one was a 7 yr old FLOP :p phone - I am SO CONFUSED !!! by this new phone ! its a Samsung galx/ s5 ( so I am told :cool: ) I did figure out text - kinda fun - lol but somehow texting to my kids - YOUR LATE, GET HOME ! - is just not the same as calling them and conveying my irritation in person ;)
I can not figure out some basic things- like how to turn ON my flash - or turn OFF my FB notification - or how I even got FB ??? there are some buttons I guess I should not play with :p
Laurei - now you stop bugging me to get a REAL phone - LOL
so, how do I turn on my flash ? lol - I am really wanting to take some cham pics :D
well, I had to get a new phone- my old one was a 7 yr old FLOP :p phone - I am SO CONFUSED !!! by this new phone ! its a Samsung galx/ s5 ( so I am told :cool: ) I did figure out text - kinda fun - lol but somehow texting to my kids - YOUR LATE, GET HOME ! - is just not the same as calling them and conveying my irritation in person ;)
I can not figure out some basic things- like how to turn ON my flash - or turn OFF my FB notification - or how I even got FB ??? there are some buttons I guess I should not play with :p
Laurei - now you stop bugging me to get a REAL phone - LOL
so, how do I turn on my flash ? lol - I am really wanting to take some cham pics :D

Go to the camera, and look for the settings (little gear symbol). And look for the lightning bolt. If it is there, but has nothing next to it, it's on all the time. If there is a circle with a slash, it is off. If it has an A, it's auto, so if you need it, it'll be on; if not, it won't come on.

I think an all caps text shows anger, but I'd be much more scared of a phone call :p

Go to the camera, and look for the settings (little gear symbol). And look for the lightning bolt. If it is there, but has nothing next to it, it's on all the time. If there is a circle with a slash, it is off. If it has an A, it's auto, so if you need it, it'll be on; if not, it won't come on.

I think an all caps text shows anger, but I'd be much more scared of a phone call :p


all caps- anger - got ya ;)
FLASH ON :D thank you :D :D
hmmm what else can I do......... :p
Welcome to the future. One day you will take your new smart phone with you into the bathroom, after that you will never sit on the toilet without it.
Do you want facebook notifications turned off completley?


I dont think ALL of them, just some- my daughter told me " Mom, just stop pushing buttons until I get home , I will fix it- just dont push any more buttons! " LOL ( but its so fun, I can not help myself - lol )

Welcome to the future. One day you will take your new smart phone with you into the bathroom, after that you will never sit on the toilet without it.

:eek: :p oh my !! thats all I am going to say on that one ;)
Welcome to the future. One day you will take your new smart phone with you into the bathroom, after that you will never sit on the toilet without it.

You obviously have no idea...:eek: tub or toilet, phone is in my hand. Doesn't matter if I wake up at 3am to pee, I Take It. BAD SIDE EFFECT: I can no longer pee if I am not reading from my phone. (TRUE FACT! Sorry if TMI :))
my daughter told me " Mom, just stop pushing buttons until I get home , I will fix it- just dont push any more buttons!
That is so my mom. Push any and all buttons 976,097,986,732 times until I have to fix it. Do you know how hard it is to bring something back from an all Korean language text. IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!:)
That is so my mom. Push any and all buttons 976,097,986,732 times until I have to fix it. Do you know how hard it is to bring something back from an all Korean language text. IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!:)

I had to reset a GPS for my girlfriend's great grandparents. Some how they made it go into Finnish. Good thing I know a lot of languages :)

I had to reset a GPS for my girlfriend's great grandparents. Some how they made it go into Finnish. Good thing I know a lot of languages :)


Couple years ago, we all used to change the languages on all friends phones, back and forth. When, you get someone like three times in a day, AWESOMESAUCE! :D (try cave painting language :eek:)
little leaf I'm with you. I just bought an iPhone this past summer. My old flip phone didn't work anymore. I hated it and I'm a mac user. Now I love it. But I don't use even half of what it can do. Really just use the phone and calendar.
I like to change ring tones on my mom's phone, she is in her late 60's and bumps some sort of rap music when people call her. She hates me :D.
Still ahead of me.

I don't own a phone other than my business line which is only there to process Visa and Mastercard. I have close to 20 computers though. Most of which run CNC and 3D printing equipment.
I like to change ring tones on my mom's phone, she is in her late 60's and bumps some sort of rap music when people call her. She hates me :D.

ugh - I hate you too- :p JK - but my son did that on my old phone all the time when we were at a store, then would call me , and see how long it took for me to realize my OWN phone was ringing - he is a playful DORK ! :p
little leaf I'm with you. I just bought an iPhone this past summer. My old flip phone didn't work anymore. I hated it and I'm a mac user. Now I love it. But I don't use even half of what it can do. Really just use the phone and calendar.

I am learning fast ;) I LOVE the camera on it :D ( the chams HATE the camera on it :p ) and I can text now to who I really wanted the msg to go to - lol and with all the rescue runs we do- the map quest thing is great !! now I wish I would have not waited so long to get a new phone :eek:
My doorbell is disconnected and phone will only ring if my son's school calls. Mr Fisher, you have the right idea. Do your friends call you a hermit, too? Mine do. They have to come around back and throw rocks at the door for me to answer.
My doorbell is disconnected and phone will only ring if my son's school calls. Mr Fisher, you have the right idea. Do your friends call you a hermit, too?

I disconnected my doorbell in 1996. My friends know not to call or stop by. We have a "I'll contact you, don't contact me" agreement. Mostly because I'm running machinery all day and can't be distracted or I'll make scrap. Friends know to e-mail me because I check that every two hours or so. When I take breaks, I just hop over to the nearest computer to check up on orders and waste time here, lol. I don't admit to being a hermit, but eccentric I'll concede.
I disconnected my doorbell in 1996. My friends know not to call or stop by. We have a "I'll contact you, don't contact me" agreement. Mostly because I'm running machinery all day and can't be distracted or I'll make scrap. Friends know to e-mail me because I check that every two hours or so. When I take breaks, I just hop over to the nearest computer to check up on orders and waste time here, lol. I don't admit to being a hermit, but eccentric I'll concede.

The people who know me would never concede that there is anyone else like me. Privacy is important.
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