anyone know if this is a feeder? (no pic)


Avid Member
ok i think everyone has seen those "web things" in trees everywhere anyone in PA and OH have defently seen them thier like one EVERY SINGLE TREE (not really) but thier a type of caterpillar that becomes a moth. they only eat the leafs off the branch they are on? idk the name tho but im sure someone does and i would like to know if thier a feeder cuz i got about 50,000 of the caterpillars when my bro cut down a tree in his yard.
Would you happen to be talking about the tent catepillars that are all over the trees? We have them here in Jersey too. If that's what you're talking about I believe the hairs on the catepillar can be an irritant to the chameleon. I may be wrong but I believe I have heard that before, and if thats the case I'd stay away from them.
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