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  1. Steve A

    Silkworms! How to hatch eggs?

    I don't know much about this, but I have a tiny bit of experience lol The tiniest bit. So when I first noticed cocoons, I used to remove them from the critter cage I keep my silks in, and put them in their own bin. However, most of them could not make it out and I can't help but think that may...
  2. Steve A

    Should I give my new Cham non gut loaded crickets or skip a feeding for today? Help

    The door is the best place IMO. This way you can open the door and put your bugs in it while not having to be inside the enclosure (invading your chameleons personal space lol). It's also just easier, I've found. For me, the misters simply don't hit that because it's to the outside and my...
  3. Steve A

    Should I give my new Cham non gut loaded crickets or skip a feeding for today? Help

    So this is basically even with the top branches of Spikes enclosure. So when he's basking and climbing around up there he can easily see and tongue blast his prey 😝 and wow. I thought this posted earlier I am so sorry.
  4. Steve A

    Should I give my new Cham non gut loaded crickets or skip a feeding for today? Help

    So this is basically even with the top branches of Spikes enclosure. So when he's basking and climbing around up there he can easily see and tongue blast his prey 😝
  5. Steve A

    Should I give my new Cham non gut loaded crickets or skip a feeding for today? Help

    No problem! Look sometimes If I am in a pinch I have bought from petsmart too... IF it looked clean (I am lucky I have a "cleaner" petsmart). It's just I'd say you don't want to always do that. I personally use the one from Frams chams. It simply works for me and that's where I bought my...
  6. Steve A

    Should I give my new Cham non gut loaded crickets or skip a feeding for today? Help

    Definitely listen to some of the more experienced chameleon owners in here, but I've learned a lot over the last year and I can prove some quick recommendations: 1) I would stop buying from petsmart. They can be dirty from there which is potentially dangerous to your chameleon. I buy my...
  7. Steve A

    Silkmoth treat 😋

    Didn't take Spike long to enjoy that one. He basked for maybe 2 mins tops and went right for it lol Then ate a silk and is now basking again. He grabbed it way too quick for me to get an action shot.
  8. Steve A

    Silkmoth treat 😋

    Silkworms are by far my and spikes favorite lol next is bsfl then crickets
  9. Steve A

    Silkmoth treat 😋

    This one was around 10-14 days. I've had some come out just fine. Some came out with no wings. Some can't escape their own cocoon. It's crazy. I haven't really done much to get deep into it though. I'm sure I could be doing more. I try to keep them as caterpillars as long as possible. Spike...
  10. Steve A

    Silkmoth treat 😋

    Yeah but I haven't had luck with keeping the moths alive long so ....down Spikes hatch they go! 🤣
  11. Steve A

    Silkmoth treat 😋

    Tomorrow, Spike gets to wake up to a special treat 🙂
  12. Steve A

    Husbandry Review

    Yay! This makes me happy. Glad to see some good news!!
  13. Steve A

    Hello from Spike!

    Hope everyone is having a nice memorial day weekend and your chameleons are doing awesome. Spike approved of a few close shots today while eating. As long as I kept it quick 🤣
  14. Steve A

    Husbandry Review

    I would personally go back to the standard tubing and just have it aimed down towards the area where the plants are closest to where your chameleon sleeps. Then depending on how that goes maybe make another pvc version of you want to do that. Remember the important thing is humidity where he...
  15. Steve A

    Husbandry Review

    Anytime! I hope this works out :)
  16. Steve A

    Husbandry Review

    Understandable! I hope it works out so that it's okay to shut it off 1am-6am. I feel like that would be the perfect situation here for a solution for you. As long as it's okay for the rest of the room to do that during those hours.
  17. Steve A

    Husbandry Review

    2 potential options: 1) You could actually try ONLY leaving the dehumidifier off from say 1am to 6am (or whatever it was that you run your fogger). This way you're still getting the benefits you need it for, minus just 6 hours in the middle of the night/early morning. 2) Relocate your...
  18. Steve A

    Husbandry Review

    oh ok so you are using a dehumidifier at night? How close to the chameleon enclosure is that? (This can be a DIRECT reason why you are struggling with raising the humidity at night! This is a great thing if this is the issue though. EASY fix.) Those temps are perfectly fine. Remember it only...
  19. Steve A

    Husbandry Review

    No problem! Maybe if you're not using the fogger on full strength you can try bumping it up a bit. Since you're using that PVC hack... maybe what's happening is the fog is being distributed more evenly (but lessening the area he needs it the most). If you need any more assistance with this...
  20. Steve A

    Plant care

    I prefer pothos for sure. So easy to take care of. Cheap to replace if necessary. And they're excellent for our chameleons. I especially like them because if you allow them to grow, they will create huge vines with nice sized leaves all around your enclosure, giving your chameleon the cover...
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