Recent content by MissSkittles

  1. MissSkittles

    Hatched but then died, why?

    Yay! I love happy endings! 🥰 Total cutie! Just do be careful as that might be his yolk still attached.
  2. MissSkittles

    Silkworms! How to hatch eggs?

    It all depends on what type of container you’ve used and what your preference is. Smooth or slick sided containers you can usually gently rub or push the eggs to detach and then have them loose. The first few times I bred my silkies I used paper towel too, but quickly switched to wax paper and...
  3. MissSkittles

    Sick Chameleon

    You don’t dust his feeders with calcium, multivitamin or anything else? That would be the problem right there. In addition to needing correct uvb which is at the correct distance to naturally synthesize vitamin D3, he needs to have his all of feeders lightly dusted with calcium without D3, every...
  4. MissSkittles

    Silkworms! How to hatch eggs?

    Phew! I was afraid I’d look gender biased to admit that I feed the boys to my animals and leave the girls to do their jobs and have some nice R&R after.
  5. MissSkittles

    Sick Chameleon

    Oh no! I’m so sorry. Right now, he needs a good vet immediately if he’s to have any chance at all. From the look of him, his odds may be slim. I’ve looked back at your past posts but don’t see any info that would be of any real help at current. When you are able, if you could provide a pic of...
  6. MissSkittles

    Is this UVB too short for 2 carpet chams?

    I think perhaps return that light and get one which will cover the entire width. Just curious what brand that is. I think it says lucky herp…yes? I do want to caution about using anything other than Arcadia and ReptiSun, unless you have a solarmeter to determine true uvb strength and output. Out...
  7. MissSkittles

    Hatched but then died, why?

    I’m so sorry. Are you certain it has passed? I don’t know about hatching and hatchlings. @kinyonga @jannb @JacksJill certainly will have some insight. I only know that sometimes and for reasons which we can’t see, babies will fail.
  8. MissSkittles

    Silkworms! How to hatch eggs?

    It can be a challenge and I’ve had some total failures, but I love the silkies and so do all of my critters. 😊 I’ve wondered at times about if moving them can cause them to perish. However, I’ve had some that formed their chrysalis without any cocoon and the poor things roll around and I’ll...
  9. MissSkittles

    May 2024 Photo Contest

    Argh! I will not change my vote. I will not change my vote. I will not change my vote. Tough choices this month! 😵‍💫
  10. MissSkittles

    Silkworms! How to hatch eggs?

    I can’t see that well but it looks like it may have the tip of its butt sticking up. Only the boys will flap their wings like crazy and move with their butt leading the way, searching for girl butt. I have had some girls do this too, but they had already laid some eggs to confirm their gender...
  11. MissSkittles

    Silkworms! How to hatch eggs?

    I think it’s about 50*.
  12. MissSkittles

    Started my Free Range setup for Aquaman

    104?! Wow! And I thought it was hot here in Florida in the 90’s.
  13. MissSkittles

    Silkworms! How to hatch eggs?

    They need a cool period - a diapause. I’ve tried to hatch the eggs right away and nothing ever happened. I watched the eggs for months until giving up and tossing them. I’ve gotten the best results when the eggs have about. 2-3 month diapause.
  14. MissSkittles

    Plants - homemade alternative to liquid fertilizer?

    I use the frass (poo) from my feeders. I mix it in with water and make a frass tea. I had been breeding my own superworms and mealworms and they made a ton of frass and have saved some silkworms frass too. If you prefer, you can buy cricket frass or worm castings...
  15. MissSkittles

    Panther chameleon Ideal diet

    Hi. So, filling out the above questions would help immensely. However, even without that, I can give my two cents about your supplements and feeding. I feed all of my adult chameleons 3 days a week, with treats on the weekends. I prefer to give smaller feeders, so each gets about the equivalent...
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