Recent content by Kaizen

  1. Kaizen

    You know you are a chameleon person if…

    You know you’re a chammer when you need two large Milwaukee PackOut organizers just for your mistking fittings!
  2. Kaizen

    New Chameleon Owner (Review Appreciated)

    You’re doing a great job. Just continue to get to know your Cham and his/her habits, normal behavior, and routines.
  3. Kaizen

    New Chameleon Owner (Review Appreciated)

    There is a lot of disagreement about how much orange is ok vs how much is not. My approach is always to use an integrated approach—monitoring urates, and behavior. Running a test misting every so often can be helpful.
  4. Kaizen

    Not Cham-related, but Strung Out is working on a new album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not Cham-related, but Strung Out is working on a new album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Kaizen

    New Chameleon Owner (Review Appreciated)

    it’s been a while since I did a husbandry review, but bear with me…
  6. Kaizen

    C brevicorne

    Fingers crossed for you, bud!
  7. Kaizen

    Keep Your Chameleon Plants Alive! - Chameleon Hour

    If I remember correctly @nightanole had the genius idea to add an extra misting nozzle to a small reservoir above the cage. The reservoir is dotted with a drip line. This way, when ever it mists, it adds water to the reservoir, which subsequently drips on whichever plants you run a drip line to.
  8. Kaizen

    Just reminding everyone how goofy is canucks can be.

    Just reminding everyone how goofy is canucks can be.
  9. Kaizen

    Keep Your Chameleon Plants Alive! - Chameleon Hour

    With folks springing for solarmeters left, right and center, it’s worthwhile considering a considerably cheaper Par meter for our foliar friends. I have found that a decent light meter for measuring PAR is as useful for our plants, as the solar meter is for our chams.
  10. Kaizen

    This is a proud moment from Canadian history: [MEDIA]

    This is a proud moment from Canadian history:
  11. Kaizen

    Who are you brumating?

    Who are you brumating?
  12. Kaizen

    Anyone have a pond?

    For larger, more natural ponds—where epdm would be too expensive/not practical—montmorilite clay powder is applied to the excavated area. Once water is added, the clay forms a watertight barrier. It’s a favourite practice of cattle farmers for watering dug-outs.
  13. Kaizen


    Thanks, Jeremy! I trust pics will follow…
  14. Kaizen

    Cricket breeding

    Larva of some kind of Dermestid beetle. They are good additions to many bug colonies, as they eat/decompose/recycle dead insects.
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