AmandaS's latest activity

  • AmandaS
    AmandaS reacted to yungzerk's post in the thread Introductions with Love Love.
    Hellloooo! I’ve never seen this thread before but I thought I would introduce myself😁 My name is Jackson! Growing up I had a few...
  • AmandaS
    AmandaS reacted to GrannyK's post in the thread Introductions with Love Love.
    Hi there cham fam! I’m Karie 😊 My name on the forum came to be because when I joined I had just become a grandmother for the 3rd time...
  • AmandaS
    AmandaS reacted to dinomom's post in the thread Introductions with Love Love.
    OK I am called out.
  • AmandaS
    AmandaS reacted to elizaann2's post in the thread Introductions with Love Love.
    Yo-ha! I'm Eliza, I was not creative with my username in anyway shape or form...I'm pretty sure I made it in a rush because I was...
  • AmandaS
    AmandaS reacted to Beppo's post in the thread Introductions with Love Love.
    I’m at work, and I don’t have any other recent pictures … but I felt called out 😂 my names Bethany (Beppo was a childhood nickname) I’m...
  • AmandaS
    AmandaS reacted to MissSkittles's post in the thread Introductions with Haha Haha.
    We need some more people to post here and make their official introduction. If I’m brave enough to put aside all of my insecurities...
  • AmandaS
    AmandaS reacted to Ghostbirb's post in the thread Introductions with Love Love.
    Ooo yay! It’s been awhile since I’ve seen this thread! Hi again everyone! My name is Mia and I live in Colorado! I’ve been a member on...
  • AmandaS
    AmandaS reacted to Beppo's post in the thread Introductions with Love Love.
    Well this is just Awesome! It’s nice to see so many of your faces! I will work up the courage to add mine as well. I just love this...
  • AmandaS
    AmandaS reacted to Sonny13's post in the thread Introductions with Love Love.
    Let’s do this again and now with my real name (@Beman & @MissSkittles 😅) I’m Sonny (alter ego name) aka Mark from the 🇳🇱, one of the...
  • AmandaS
    AmandaS reacted to Gloriawood's post in the thread Introductions with Love Love.
    I’m Gloria! I am an art teacher in southern Missouri. Here is a photo of me and my dog Camile (full name Chameleon) and me with some...
  • AmandaS
    AmandaS reacted to Beman's post in the thread Introductions with Like Like.
    Well being as how you mentioned not cutting your hair off I am guessing you are Maria lol. I wondered what M&M meant... Just thought you...
  • AmandaS
    AmandaS reacted to M&M's post in the thread Introductions with Love Love.
    We’re Maria and Mike (and Jack!!!). We’re located in Florida (so sadly no dubia roaches for our little girl). I will never cut my hair...
  • AmandaS
    AmandaS reacted to Beman's post in the thread Introductions with Like Like.
    I identify as a person that has long hair. :hilarious: And since you posted one I figured I should just follow your example :LOL:
  • AmandaS
    AmandaS reacted to Beman's post in the thread Introductions with Love Love.
    Ugg Vikki do we have to re-post our pic. Yuck... Ok, well I am Becca and I live in Arizona. I have been in the forum since 2018. I am...
  • AmandaS
    AmandaS reacted to MissSkittles's post in the thread Introductions with Love Love.
    I’ll restart it. I’m still Vikki, still in Florida, still a gen Xer and still have more animals than sense. I don’t still have my long...
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