New Member
My male veiled chameleon is acting a bit strange today. He seamed to be sleeping today at 3pm which is not like him at all, he usualy heads up to his favourite branch about 6.30-7pm to settle down for the night.
He is just finishing a shed, and always goes kinda depressed when he sheds, so i just put him not being as active down to this.
Temps, humidity, all fine, no changes in his enclosure. He accualy climbed onto my back when I had my head in when spot cleaning today, which he has never done before. He's in a 6ft converted cabinet, and very rarely uses the bottom half...he was right down wandering about the live plants today
I seen him do a kind of little hiccup thing a few times as well. Checked his breathing, no hissing popping excess saliva, was very active when I brung him out to check. He doesnt look unwell, his colour's are stunning as always
Im really at a loss right now, never seen him act like this before...might wait and see how he is in the morning and see about a vets.
Or am I worrying over nothing, and hes just feeling down because he's shedding
He is just finishing a shed, and always goes kinda depressed when he sheds, so i just put him not being as active down to this.
Temps, humidity, all fine, no changes in his enclosure. He accualy climbed onto my back when I had my head in when spot cleaning today, which he has never done before. He's in a 6ft converted cabinet, and very rarely uses the bottom half...he was right down wandering about the live plants today
I seen him do a kind of little hiccup thing a few times as well. Checked his breathing, no hissing popping excess saliva, was very active when I brung him out to check. He doesnt look unwell, his colour's are stunning as always
Im really at a loss right now, never seen him act like this before...might wait and see how he is in the morning and see about a vets.
Or am I worrying over nothing, and hes just feeling down because he's shedding